Need Your Advice, Please

A semi truck was turning left from the hi-way while I was at a stop sign waiting for my turn to cross the road. He turned towards my direction, and for some reason, his angle was off and I backed up a little to give him more space because I can see that the semi will possibly hit my car. Unfortunately, despite my efforts, the semi truck hit my car while the ladder on its body clung onto my suv and dragged me backwards before the semi truck driver came to a stop.
Sheriff was called and the semi driver immediately said it was his fault. Based on how the accident took place, the Sheriff said that the semi driver was at fault because I was at a full stop and the having to move backwards was a logical reaction because of how the traffic looked like on my end. A police report was made and the other driver’s insurance company has dealt with the incident.
I waited for an update because despite what happened, i know my car couldn’t be totaled and the collision services deemed so too. However, the other driver changed his claim and said that the reason I got hit was because I backed up from the stop sign corner and now his insurance company will not cover the liability for my car.
I feel dumbfounded and I called the Sheriff to confirm everything that happened from the day of the accident and because I don’t know who to ask for help. The Sheriff said he is willing to make a statement should my insurance company call him about the incident and he also advised that I call my car insurance company to deal with the matter.
Can I please ask for anyone’s help about this? Do I have a chance at this? How did the insurance believe their driver when there’s a police report filed and the other driver was even cited for the incident?
Please, help me. What do I do next? I am currently talking to my insurance company.
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