Neighbor Decapitated My Palm Trees While I Was At Work, No Camera Footage, What Are My Rights If Any?

In the state of FL here. I realized my neighbor I share a fence with was slowly decapitating my palm trees in my backyard while I was at work, which required them to trespass by a good 2-4 feet leaning into my property line over their fence. They killed about 6 of my palm trees and I unfortunately realized this was happening too late to catch video footage. The neighbor denied cutting them & threatened me when I kindly approached them about it. That part of my backyard now looks like a dead zombie zone of decapitated palms. What rights do I have if any, given no video footage? I soon thereafter installed 3 cameras aimed on their fence in the zone & aimed at my remaining alive palm trees within their trespassing reach & their antics stopped immediately & never happened again. ANY suggestions welcome, including what to put on top of the decapitated palms they have a direct view of, to drive them crazy. Why on earth they want to look at dead palm tree stumps instead of lush beautiful alive palms, I will never know. Thanks for any help out there appreciate it.
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