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Neighbor Through Away My Legal Weed While Trespassing On My Property

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I have an intrusive, nosy, and downright disrespectful neighbor who moved my recycling cans up today closer to my house after recycling pick up (he doesn’t like them in the street). I keep my legal THA hemp flower purchased from a local store (I’m in Texas) in my flower bush up by my house because I sit in the driveway and smoke when I get home. Today I came home to my weed gone. I checked my cameras and see him going through my flower bush and throwing things away right before the trash man came. I spent about 95$ on what was left. Am I able to report him and make him pay, or is there any grounds for my money back? I don’t care about how trivial, it’s the principle. Cussing him out in the morning will simply not suffice.

submitted by /u/throwawayfairplay
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