Neighborhood Kids Burnt Down My Trailer.
In early July, our trailer caught fire, supposedly due to some local kids who set fire to a shed in the lot next to ours. The police did nothing, and a few days later, the trailer park evicted the family involved.
At the time, we didn’t have insurance on the trailer for about a month. The trailer park insists that they bear no responsibility, even though the abandoned shed had been left unsecured and poorly maintained for years—just 10 feet from the back of our trailer. This, despite the fact that multiple complaints had been made about kids causing trouble in the neighborhood.
Initially, the park agreed to front the cost of repairs and we would pay them back, but that was back in July, and we’re still without a home, staying with family. They occasionally do a little work but then go silent for months. This doesn’t feel right to me. Is there anything I can do legally?
This happened in Kansas if that helps.
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