Our Water Is Getting Shut Off, But Not By The Water Company
I live in Pennsylvania. Yes, we are up to date on our water bill. (We are on auto-pay so we have never had a late or missed payment.)
This is a bit convoluted, but our water pipe runs under the house behind us before reaching ours. I don't know if this is normal, but that's how it is. Imagine you have three roads running horizontal to each other.
Cherry Avenue -------------------
Girard Blvd -------------------------
The water pipes are on Cherry Avenue. We live on Girard Blvd. Our water runs through a house on Cherry Ave before reaching ours. I hope that helps explain.
Anyway, the house behind us was empty until mid 2023. A family moved into the home and they were manually shutting off their water... and ours in the process. (My understanding is that this is illegal? Is it not?) We were (still are) new home owners, so we called my boyfriend's step-dad and he came out. He was the one who figured out what was going on when the water company couldn't tell us what was happening.
We called the water company, they came out and confirmed it was manually shut off. We had water back... for a day. Then it went out again. He went over, talked to the neighbors (Google translate needed), and we got our water back on.
Last month, (THE WEEK OF CHRISTMAS) our water company shut the water off to the house beside ours because they were having issues and we were never notified, despite the fact that ours was shut off too. We lost water, I called the company the next day, they said "oh... we were doing work on the house beside you and forgot to turn yours back on. My bad. We will be out."
We were in negative temps the last few weeks since then, and had our kitchen and bathroom sink plus our shower dripping. Had no issues with the water.
Today, the first day it reached 35°F and higher, we used our water around 8am to make lunch (we work night shift) and then around 10am, we had no water to the house at all.
I called my water company, they said they were going to send someone out (at 11...) this is 12 hours later and we still have no water. I'm at work, so I'm going to call again when I get home, but I'm getting really fed up with this.
We are assuming that someone manually shut the water off again. My question is, what are my options here? If it was the neighbors behind us, are they allowed to keep doing this? If it was the water company (and they just "forgot" again), is there some way we can make them give us notice? This is insane how many times we've lost water since moving here and it HASN'T been because of frozen pipes.
EDIT: I am not looking for joke advice. I am not looking for illegal "do this" advice. This is the ONLY house I have ever lived in where this has been an issue, and as such, I've no idea how to legally fix it.
EDIT #2: to better clarify the housing arrangement. We live in an alleyway behind a church. So it is our road (Girard Blvd) >> our house >> our backyard >fence> neighbor backyard >> neighbor house >> Cherry Ave. The water main shutoff is on Cherry Ave and runs through neighbor house and backyard and our backyard to get to our house.
EDIT #3: After going through old messages, it was not mid-2023 that the neighbors shut off our water. It was March and April of 2024.
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