I am a journalist and writer with a somewhat unique name that is highly searchable. A friend looking recently on Amazon for a book I wrote instead found seve...
Hey guys! I won't bog you down with too many details so I can get straight to the brass tacks. Last year, I had my basement partially finished. I got help fr...
Hello everyone so I 19f live with my mom 53 and sister 16 my parents got a divorce in 2023 but started dating after the divorce never telling anyone they got...
My wife had a major stroke in her sleep and might not make it. It’s the hardest most painful thing I’ve been through. Last night after spending time with her...
So, I know someone who is living in a friends house that has bench warrants. I don't think they are felony level. He's sponging off my friend and not paying ...
My relative was released from rehab and was supposed to be en route to a sober house. Rayville area. He facetimed me while parked, said he was “in the woods”...
My husband and I hired a small LLC cabinet company (located in Washington state) to make custom cabinets for our home remodel last year. At some point during...
Throwaway, of course. IL. Probably fewer than 15 employees. I saw through USPS informed delivery that a law firm is trying to send me certified mail. I looke...
Hello everyone, I live in California and I just relocated to a different city. I’ve been struggling to find a job for awhile and I interviewed at this place ...
I have spoken with both employment and personal injury attorneys based here in Los Angeles who have indicated that I have a strong case, but both of them hav...
My great grandmother passed 80 acres down to my mom. My mom’s mother, (my great grandmothers daughter) got bent out of shape about it and my mom felt bad so ...
Hi guys, I was at work today and I was sitting in my car and all of a sudden this car pulls up to me. This lady gets out she walks up to my window she starts...
Someone loaned me a computer a few years ago for a project I needed it for, and I tried to return it to this person upon completing said project, but they ne...
hello! my sister has always has a stealing problem. she steals money, peoples belongings, she sells other peoples things. she had a support system throughout...
So my wife and I became homeless with no where to go so I tried to find someone who could foster them for a few months while we get back on our feet. My dad ...
Hello, I am seeking advice here. I am pretty sure that my husband tracks me and has a listening device in our home and my car. In a drunken rage my husband t...
I have a greedy mother who I have distanced myself away from. In 2017 when we were on much better terms I put her on my phone bill account. She would just de...
My grandmother has been declining for awhile and my mom decided to move her into a memory care facility at the beginning of this week. I got a call today fro...
Just as the title states, my husband moved across the country from California to Tennessee about 5 months ago because there was work for his business (trucki...
I chose the divorce flair as me and my husband are going through a divorce. We live in the same home still, but have separated to different bedrooms. He rema...
This is my first time posting and I'm doing so from mobile so sorry if the formatting is odd. I've been getting my state refund offset the past couple of yea...