(Virginia) I’m at a loss as to what to do. My car has current inspection and registration and has been parked on-site in my apartment complex’s clearly desig...
Hello, my name is Ilse. I’m 28 years old, with 2 kids a 9 year boy and a 5 year old girl, whom I love a lot. I was born In Mexico but lived most of my life i...
We have assigned parking spots in our parking garage. The front of my brand new car got hit by, I’m assuming the people beside me. I had parked my car Saturd...
Alright so, I’m 17(18 very soon)and recently got into a big dispute with one of my parents(A). We’ve had ongoing issues with each other for a long time. My p...
I am in an extremely awful predicament. I am hoping someone can help me. In 2002, my husband and I built our house in Western Australia. We had 3 beautiful ...
My 12 year old and his friend were joking in class and one-upping each other. "I'll steal a car" "I'll rob a bank", that kind of stupid stuff. They kept uppi...
AARP recommended UHC for Medicare Rx coverage so I got their plan. Last month I received a bill that was almost double what the price was in December! I spok...
Seattle, WA I went to ECA. When I asked them about the cancellation previously, they said I needed to give a 30-day notice. My billing cycle is on the 28th,...
Hello reddit, my dog and I were both victims of a mauling by my neighbor's two pitbulls. I was awakened this morning by the yelps of my German Shepard who wa...
Context: I hired a cat sitter a while ago. All I asked is that once a day, the sitter swung by the house to make sure she got food/water, took care of the li...
Looking for some thoughts and maybe even some advice if there is anyone with some legal expertise on this topic... Been at my company since 2017. I've had qu...
I am really scared right now and I have asked my mom that I need to be placed back into school and to help enroll me. I was yelled at that “I don’t need to g...
My parents and I got into an argument the other day and they attempted to lock me out of the house when I decided to spend the night with my SO I ended up ca...
Title. Neighbor was arrested and I can see her info on my county's Inmate Search through the sheriff's department. She's still currently in jail, so I know s...
Currently renting a townhouse as a subletter with 3 college students close to age in me in a mid-sized city. They are all going to be gone over the summer, a...
Over the last 3 years, my dad has developed a substance abuse problem and has managed to lose everything in his life (except for our house). The mortgage is ...
As short as possible, my girlfriend[18] and her friend[16] were backed into by their “senior assassin” target’s car while they were standing behind it joking...
I’ve been on a salary for the past 8 months at my job and it seems the company can no longer afford me as I was given notice that in two days I will no longe...
I (40f) have been married twice, and I'm not sure what my legal name is supposed to be because of a woman at the Department of Driver Services. My first mar...
so my step dad recently passed away, which we kind of knew what was coming, but he told me that if anything ever happens to take the money out of his account...
I work at a restaurant in Indiana where everyone employed is paid over minimum wage. At the end of the night, the closers get to take home an equal share of ...