Hello Reddit. I’m here seeking advice about. 30 day notice for smoking in our apartment when we haven’t but our neighbor claims we have. My wife smokes marij...
My daughter took a job as a youth leader at a local church about a year ago that was paying her $20 hourly and required 20 hours per week. At the beginning o...
In December I took my old Isuzu Trooper in to have a transmission rattle diagnosed. I usually work on my own vehicles but know when I'm out of my depth and s...
So long story short back in August I was in a severe motorcycle accident, guy driving a company vehicle with no license blew a stop sign and drove right into...
All of my scheduled raises are being withheld and I was placed on my final because I called off of work during a state emergency (snow). I am in the US. Two ...
My boss missed payday last Friday. I was handed a check but told not to cash it until he gives the go ahead. If I refuse to do additional labor for the compa...
Hello lawyers and thank you for what you do. The SAVE ACT has passed through the House and there's little reason to believe it won't also pass through the S...
So, My parents found a house they wanted to buy and took out a mortgage for it back in 2017 for a fair price and we lived in that house for a good 8 years no...
Last fall my spouse discovered that someone used their name and social security number to get a Pell grant to go to some community college and then skipped o...
Someone ran a right light at an intersection and hit me, both our cars were totaled and police came. Insurance was notified and I only had liability coverage...
My ex and I moved in with my parents in early 2021. He lived in the detatched garage. Him and I broke up in fall 2021 and I moved in with my brother, and lat...
Recently I started the application for Global Entry but stopped when I realized I had something on my record that might get me rejected. 10 years ago (give o...
A few months ago, my dad passed away, and I am the executor of his will. According to the will, I am responsible for selling his property and splitting the p...
Hello! I live in Florida. I started working at a rather large company in August 2024, I found out I was pregnant in October 2024. I’ve been working there eve...
Thank you to whoever takes time to read this post!! On January 22, 2025, I purchased a car from a used dealership. I went there possibly intending to be a co...
How can we remove the father who abandoned us from the deed to our family home and effect a divorce between him and my mother? So far our options considered ...
I have dealt with a severe inability to eat since i was a toddler due to a vascular compression in my upper abdominal area, i’m 18 now. This has left me comp...
So a year ago me and this guy were good friends, we live in the towns right next to eachother, and eventually things became more than friends. I wanted a rel...
Hi all I am the sole beneficiary to my aunts estate. Everything has been in probate for about a month I am not the executor but the executor has not been pre...
Hi all, I’m hoping to get legal advice and what kind of attorney I should contact because I refuse to believe I don’t have some kind of legal protections he...
I should start by saying, neither myself nor my daughter have/had the iPhone. My daughter text me from class today and tells me they pulled her out and searc...