I co-signed on a rental with my ex after we separated under the verbal agreement that her partner would be moving in and paying half of the lease when the pa...
I live in the state of Colorado and bought my house with a VA home loan January of last year. Not long after I moved in, I started smelling gas coming from o...
Apologies if this seems too trivial, hoping someone just might know the answer. I closed my account with American Express in 2013 and they sent me a check (...
I am still in shock over the win and haven't cashed it in yet. It's been a few days of wrapping my head around what to do. We currently both live in Texas. W...
My situation is kind of absurd. I went to a walk-in clinic in late November and they ended up sending a test to Labcorp. My insurance paid for part of that t...
Hey everyone: I need some legal advice on bringing a lawsuit against a manufacturer in Pennsylvania. On March 28th, 2024 I paid a printer $5k to produce ar...
My Mother In Law passed about a year ago. Yesterday we were served what I guess is a lawsuit against the estate for 50K for a car wreck she was involved with...
I (30F) am at a complete loss where to start or what to do. I need to do right by my child. Here is the background and what brought me to this point of despe...
When I was younger, I worked at a GameStop. I was way, way, WAY too young and immature yet due to circumstances, found myself in the acting manager role. I w...
Hey everyone, first time posting here. I am planning to leave my current employer in a little under two weeks. My current employer provides significant bonus...
I'm using a throwaway account for this but I was seeking what would be best to do with my house before it's too late. I moved back into my house after a disp...
I was in a fender bender in a work vehicle on a work trip a year ago now. I am covered under my works insurance and that claim should have went through with ...
I am part of a LLC with two partners and things have broken down in terms of communication and business. Our LLC owns property and assets and my partners are...
Hey. I'm a F21 old college student. About a week ago I was assaulted by an individual in possession of a gun. I reported it to the police and they arrested h...
I rented a room in a condo from my landlord and at the time she had one other tenant on a separate lease. The HOA made a new rule that they can only have one...
In a nutshell my wife has been seeing a psychiatrist for ~6 years, has been diagnosed with agoraphobia, chronic ptsd, Anxiety etc. she has been on the same f...
On Friday my sister visited a chevy dealership in Missouri. She wanted to purchase a new Traverse, but the dealership didn’t have the color she wanted. They ...
Last Thursday, my dog was stolen out of my yard. My yard has an electric fence and my dog has never gone outside the fence nor have I ever had any issues wit...
My girlfriend (30F) is a Canadian (Ontario) who, until this afternoon, worked for an American company. She has been working for them for two years. Due to c...
I’m the father. My ex had a child who wasn’t biologically mine, but I signed the birth certificate and raised him as my own. Years later, we divorced (I won’...
My friend went through a pretty nasty breakup after being in an extremely toxic relationship for almost 10 years. In the past year she has met a new man and ...