I had a case where my mother was killed in the hospital due to them overdosing her on fentanyl multiple times I spoke to many attorneys, and they all told me...
Some background information. I’ve been renting from this person for 4 years with no issues. We actually never really communicate apart from him upping the re...
My brother(36M) overdosed on February 7th. He was estranged from my insane mother, but since he did not have a will she became automatic next of kin and exec...
Hello, I am in the USA just 2 years.. I have a problem that the doctor I talk to on the phone has charged me $60 for a 10 to 20 minute phone call. I've had a...
Good evening all, I’ve been watching my friend’s mental health slowly deteriorate over the past few months ever since he got his new job. We are in the U.S.,...
hi, i was arrested about a month ago for possession of a controlled substance it was my first time ever being arrested. the office asked me if id like to be ...
So I live in an apartment building and I've stored my bike in the hallway along with my next door neighbors bikes. The bikes were piled on the stairwell acro...
I 22M tried returning a very large package from a third party Amazon seller to the UPS store last month. I initially paid $676 for a shipping label to return...
Called too ugly for my job by C-Suite? Had an interesting meeting today with three C-Suite people at the enterprise I work for. I’m a researcher, who has pr...
So my car was broken into about a month ago, the spare key was in the center console(I know), they obviously took that along with a few other small things. I...
The owner of where I work called a locksmith in the early hours of the morning and changed the locks on the garage portion of the business. This locked us an...
I made the mistake of renting from family. It was an agreement between me and my two cousins. I will try to make this as short as possible but the details ar...
So I (30f) have been dealing with some health issues, possibly an autoimmune disorder. All my tests come back negative so I’m still working on getting a diag...
I am a former HR manager in California who designed websites for friends. It is a hobby. Several years ago, I designed and used two websites for my former em...
Hello there, I recently received the morbid news that I'm going to most likely be dead within the year due to a health issue and now I'm in the process of se...
I operate a business that is heavily regulated by my state gov't. A privileged license is required that takes 6 months to get. In addition, a state and count...
I used to live in Texas where I legally purchased a handgun through a sporting goods store. I moved to Oregon over 6 years ago and brought my gun on the plan...
I work in childcare. After 2 years of my current job, I was told that I must undergo a physical exam and mantoux test. The problem is that I am currently uni...
I'm a black female, mid-30s. No criminal record. No prior DUIs. I've lived in this same area of Pennsylvania for years and have a clean driving record. My pa...
Moving cross country with my(26f) husband(27m), young son, and two dogs. We stopped to visit my family on the way to west coast. During this stop, we wanted ...