I have multiple physical and mental health issues that require me to see multiple doctors. I've had to reschedule appointments on the day of multiple times a...
My 70 year old Canadian snowbird parents are driving across the border to Florida next week. My 80 year old aunt who is already in Florida wants my parents t...
Hello, I live in a house in Illinois with my mom. We rent our house, and have lived here for about 15-20 years. My mom recently got a call from this guy that...
In a nutshell: a debt collector got a default judgment against me for something I didn't know about until the garishment against my payroll started to get co...
I recently searched up the address of my rental on the MDE website which shows that the required lead certification was not performed before I moved in. My l...
Husband (American)and I (European) have been married for 20 years, currently living in Pennsylvania. Due to many unsolvable issues I want to divorce him. I c...
im a 21 year old broke ass college student, i live in california and this is the second time ive had to do something like this. I parked on a main street and...
This case is in California. I hired an attorney to represent my husband and I in a tenant eviction case. We had tenants that decided to stop paying rent afte...
My wife and I had a modular house built in NC. The builder was atrocious, and the well-digging company did their job but dug the well about 8 feet off our pr...
I own 4 barbershops in my city. The name is rather long, so i have always abbreviated it. As an example, let's say the name is Excellent Mens Grooming, and s...
Hey out there to anyone who might know something about Florida estate law, any opinion on this will be very very much appreciated! I am one of my father's 2 ...
My golf course wanted to make improvements. To do this they sold some lifetime memberships (until 2059. The contract was made so it and that we have the exac...
The beginning of December my daughter bought a brand new RAV 4 Hybrid. Starting on December 22nd things starting going hey wire: 12/22: while shopping she re...
Hello, I’m asking this because I am curious but hesitant to follow the advice of people on TikTok. Currently on TikTok, there are a few people saying that E...
so the other day i refused to give my dad my backpack (there was nothing harmful/threatening in there) so he charged at me and tackled me to the ground. he d...
Myself and my husband went on holidays in Spain. We had been out for dinner and drinks and returned home at about 1am. My husband wears contact lenses and wa...
I first want to point out that I do not have a copy of our old contract. But my husband really injured his leg falling through again. We have 2 young kids th...
I was recently let go from my job due to an incident that occurred last June. At the time, I thought the issue had been resolved. The person involved had ask...
Hello everyone. I'm seeking advice on this situation. I rented a van to move in Europe, I'm from US, and put the wrong fuel in it. HOWEVER I was instructed t...
About a month and half ago my boyfriend tried kicking me out of the house naked so I obviously fought back because who wants to be outside naked? I did end u...
My best friend helped me through a tough time in my life. Constantly offered help when he knew I needed it and was vulnerable. I had a lot of debt and was wo...