Originally I received the insurance information of the shipping company that damaged the front bumper of my car. The insurance company then told me that the ...
I am a landlord in New England, I own a single family house that I rent to a tenant on a month-to-month lease. I want to move out of my house and make my pri...
While listing my home for rent, my realtor turned up a correction affidavit to my neighbor's deed that lists my street address instead of theirs. This was cl...
So I was in a Discord server server, when someone (the head mod) decided to look up my name (as its in my bio, under paypal). They started posting the thing...
My uncle has always had his name on my grandmothers bank account and home. After his wife died recently, he was introduced to a woman we would later find out...
My ex and I got a divorce in 2020 I was awared both vehicles in the divorce but I let him keep using the truck because I wanted him to have a safe vehicle fo...
Hello. I am really confused by something that just happened to me with a recently accepted position. I’m looking for insight before potentially responding to...
My step-son's father is not good with money. I believe he really *DOES* love his son, but the father's own self interest gets in the way. Son's mother (who I...
Arizona. Corporate company. My wife is a manager of a facility. October of 2024 her boss told her she needed to essentially steal water from the city and to ...
Hi there, I have been dealing with getting my boyfriend off my mom’s insurance for about two weeks now. He was mistakenly added due to an assumption that he ...
Two years ago I was arrested for public intoxication because I was trying to breakup a fight between my now ex boyfriend and his friend. I went to jail and g...
This is in Atlanta, GA. So on 1/26, my partner slipped while getting into the shower and landed on the faucet in the tub, which ended up bursting the pipe. L...
I got an ad for a facial at a spa a few weeks ago, I figured I'd give it a go since I could get an appointment for just before Valentine's Day. When I get th...
My son just got hit by a speeding van while crossing at crosswalk. The van driver was speeding and there weee witnesses. Bruise to his hands and legs and may...
My boyfriend’s grandfather passed last year. They were very close and worked together as electricians. His grandfather had lots of properties and money saved...
I worked for a financial services company as my first job out of college from June 2022-March 2023 that sold financial products and life insurance. So it’s a...
I co signed on a lease for an apartment with my ex boyfriend. We broke up and I moved out pretty much right at the start of our new lease on the second year....
For the last couple years, I've been dealing with a relative "Johnny" who is upset they weren't left big inheritances by 2 of our mutual relatives. Because I...
Hi, I’m employed with an inventory service which does jobs all over my state. A few days ago my coworker put me in a headlock, called me slurs and tried to w...
Hello I’m a U.S. Army Combat veteran diagnosed with TBI and PTSD was receiving treatment while active and continued treatment and still currently taking 5 di...
So I was arrested in Boston for possession of marijuana in 1995. I was a small town kid who had just moved there and was way in over my head. Five days later...