I recently moved out of my first apartment, and my landlord is refusing to return my security deposit. His reason? He claims that my presence in the complex ...
Hello, I moved in to my current apartment in July 2024, and it was a 1-year lease. I have 1 cat. At the time of move-in, there was a one-time $300 pet depos...
Hello! I posted this on r/protest but since my question is in regards to HR/legality, someone suggested I post it here. I'm seeking advice on how to protect ...
I live in Massachusetts. My partner and I moved into a two-bedroom apartment a month ago, and quickly realized that one of the bedrooms, which we use as a ho...
Today at work I found myself in hot water for something I thought was politically correct. During a conversation with a female colleague I generalised her te...
Throw-away account, thanks in advance. My partner and I are getting engaged and I’d like to better understand equitable distribution in states like New York...
Hello everyone, I’m reaching out to this community for guidance on a challenging situation involving a verbal agreement I had with my mother concerning a mob...
Long story short, my sister is dealing with a situation involving taking someone’s birthday bag from a local bar one night when she was pretty drunk. I was t...
I believe due to the negligence of my employer, I have contracted TB. My employer is a homeless shelter that does not test their staff or residents for TB. I...
This was in Howard County, Maryland on the highway. I got into an accident with another driver. I was at-fault. There was very very minor damage (rear-view ...
As a Social Work student at Boise State University in Idaho, I am expected to complete a total of 480 hours of field work. I accepted a placement at a homele...
Located in California My friend [R1] and I have rented a house together for 7 months. We brought on a 3rd roommate [R2] 3 months ago. R1 and I have 5 months...
This happened in Colorado Back in 2019 while I was a minor when at a clinic they told me I needed to visit an ER. they offered an ambulance to bring me to t...
I'm going to try to make this as short as possible. We live in Minnesota. My father (53M) lives in a low income apartment complex due to being on SSI. He was...
I invited a massage therapist to my home for his services. I met him at work. We work for the same company. He is an employee from a different department. W...
I recently got “terminated” from my job (California so at will state) and my employer is lying to the EDD office. They are chronic firers and fired 4 people ...
As title says. I am in Alabama. I work at a restaurant, making over minimum wage. I do get tips for some orders, but they don’t typically amount to much mone...
I’ll try and make this brief but I’d love to answer any questions to explain. Basically my husband is a European national we met online and he moved to the U...
I bought a 10x16 outdoor shed from an individual, we’ll call her Jan, in NC on 12/2024 for $3500 + $700 shed moving fee. Jan told me it was completely paid o...
I'm in Arizona. My husband had an affair and I found out. We have not yet filed for divorce or legal separation but I moved out a couple of months ago. I tri...