Pay Civil Penalty For “theft” Or Let Them Take Me To Court/wait It Out?

I’ll try to keep this brief but a year ago I was buying something at a grocery store called woodman’s, and accidentally didn’t type in the pin when leaving and buying something under 10 dollars. Cops showed up at my house a month later and I payed 100 to settle the case for shoplifting or whatever it was, but a bout a year later I’m getting a letter for the law office to pay 250 as a civil fee. I called the office to se did I could lower it to pay a smaller amount, but they said to I could only pay 250 or argue it in court. The way the law works where they can actually do this is already bs because it’s just another way for corporations to scam the populous imo.
But my question is how should I go about this? Should I just pay the 250 (would go against my principles a lot, and should much rather not give in to them) and I’m low on money rn and saving 250 would be great also. But if it could end up being a much bigger issue then I’d just pay it, so would they actually take it to court for 5 dollars? And in court would I end up possibly paying much more, or would 250 be the max they could go for? And would it be something I could represent myself for because it’s on camera and everything and it’s such a clear case that I didn’t intentionally steal anything?
I guess I’m asking too many questions, what would be the best outcome I could guarantee I’m spending the least money, and what are the possible outcomes I could pay significantly more, or outcomes I could possible not have to pay anything? Thank anyone for any help, and sorry if I’m asking about something that’s so insignificant, I’m just pretty annoyed with it when I’m such a regular at the store, already payed 100 happily for my mistake, and they are running my poor pockets for even more just cuz they can????????????
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