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Private High-school Lied For 5 Years About Accreditation, Causing Issues With Graduates Applying For Financial Aid For College, When To Call Grounds For Lawsuit?

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Attended in 2019, graduated in 2022 from a private catholic k-12 school. Went to apply for college, and applied for fasfa because I cant actually afford to attend out of pocket and got the full pell grant. I submitted all my documents needed to accept the award, except financial aid office cant find my schools accreditation status on the website that was listed on my transcript. Alternative to receive my pell grant: pay 120 out of pocket to take a HISET and pass (or fail and pay a reduced fee to retake each individual test)

What originally started off as just a potential accreditation issuer problem turned out to be that for the last 5 years anybody whos graduated since 2020 does not have an accredited diploma.. the schools website has listed and stated it was accredited before my grandmother who worked there confronted them about everything and the findings and they changed the website to accreditation candidate. I was told that it was cancelled and never renewed somehow. I am unsure how this went unnoticed for the past 5 years.

I already paid 500 out of pocket to not get booted from the college and to be put on a payment plan, and I have a payment due soon I cannot make.

Would it be reasonable to ask my school to pay for my testing fees without going through any legal loops? Ive never taken any legal action and don't even know how court works but they've screwed off a bunch of students. What are my options looking like if any?

submitted by /u/unfiltered_thrwaway
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