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Protesting Government At Government Job

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Hello! I posted this on r/protest but since my question is in regards to HR/legality, someone suggested I post it here. I'm seeking advice on how to protect myself/my position but also protest state government while working for said state government.

Without giving away too much personal info, I work in a for profit industry within the state government. The state governor will be visiting my workplace within the next few weeks for 1 day. My workplace runs a skeleton crew and has declared this visit day as "All Hands Necessary" meaning we are not allowed to take PTO/Sick/etc. I do NOT agree with the current political climate and I do NOT agree with my state governor's values. Therefore, I do not want to participate in licking the boot further than I already do working for the state. My question being - how do I approach this issue with Management and HR? My initial thought is to send an email to respective parties outlining that I am taking the day off in protest, unpaid if necessary. I'm just not sure what to say to get my point across but also protect my employment. My values and my voice are important and I want to stand up for what is right for my community and what I know to be right in my heart.

Any advice is much appreciated!!

submitted by /u/sjstrode
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