Rear Ended At A Stop Light By A Drunk Driver With No License. Their Insurance Low Balling Me. Should I Get A Lawyer?
I was in an accident a couple weeks ago where I pulled up behind a line of cars at an intersection came to a complete stop for 2 seconds and a drunk girl doing 40 rear ended the hell out of me pushed me into the car in front of me. That car had a child inside not restrained and the driver got ticketed. The driver who hit me got sent to jail. She had no license. They towed my car to a tow yard and while their insurance claims they gave me to the 21st to get my car out, the 21st thru the 23rd roads were closed due to snow. And they did not contact me to tell me the case was approved and how much they determined what the damage was and how to proceed going forward till the 23rd. Their insurance doesn't wanna pay the whole tow fee so I can get it to a body shop which is what they say to do. Should I contact a lawyer? I ended up going see a doctor the day after cause of back pain which I was just really sore and fine now but still feel it's not completely healed. And I woke up with a horrible black eye and cut under my eye. I didn't hit my head on anything that I remember. My car the trunk is smashed in side panels are all screwed it was a paid off 2023 corolla only had 18000 miles.
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