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Received A Court Appearance Ticket For Remaining In A Public Park After Hours In Nyc

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Walking home from work in a snowstorm, trying to find the fastest route, park gates were open and I didn’t read the sign for the hours. Cops inside stopped me and gave me a court summons.

In violation of section 1-03(a)3. Scheduled to appear at Kings/NY criminal court.

I’m not sure how any of this really works. Will I carry a criminal record if I plead guilty? How much can I expect the fine to be? I would prefer to plead not guilty because though I was in the park, the gates were open and it was the middle of a snowstorm. I have never dealt with the police beyond a speeding ticket and don’t really know what I should do or expect.

Any information or advice very appreciated. Thank you!

submitted by /u/jacksonrees
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