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Required To Perform Onboarding Tasks Prior To First Day, Roughly 8hrs Worth, With No Compensation

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Not sure what to do, address the FLSA violation or let it go and do what they require.

Hi, I've tried calling a few offices and either no one has time to talk to me or they want consultation fees for a minimum of 1hr which would take me days worth of work to cover.

Accepted a new role, after acceptance I was asked to fill out a few forms and take a drug screen. No big deal, fairly normal to ensure you're legally able to be hired, I get it. Then I was asked to review and sign numerous legal documents and complete onboarding tasks prior to the first day with no compensation, roughly 8hrs worth of work.

I know this is a violation of FLSA and I'm not willing to give up my rights much less do so before I even start working there. Looks like in WI law if my offer was rescinded based on this it would be considered a retaliatory firing and there is a cap of $300k in damages, as I'm not an employee yet I don't think there would be any lost pay awarded. Legal fees can be covered.

I'm at a loss of what to do. It took many months of looking for work to find at least a some what suitable job. Of course they could decide to compensate me for the time, let me start working then tell me its not working out or some other excuse to let me go and avoid the possible retaliatory firing claim. While we have rights there are so many easy outs for employers.

submitted by /u/ChiefButtonBusher
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