Roommate Died...
My roommate of 15 years passed away Friday. He had a mortgage, he didn't own the home. I saw his bills that were opened so I know how much he owes. A lot. Anyway, he died and left me scrambling to figure out what to do about getting a place. We were paying very low rent in exchange for helping him around the house. He's been on dialysis at home for about a year so I've been helping with that every day.
Anyway, there was no lease between us. We were friends and we paid him monthly in cash.
The big question for me is how long does it usually take after a person dies that the bank (Midland Mortgage in this case) will evict us? He has left me with three pets of his and I can't just dump them. I have three of my own pets too. I don't know what to do. I can't rent any place with all these animals surely. He has really left me in a bind here but my first concern is how long I have to find a place to live. His elderly aunt says they want a copy of his death certificate so they already know he's passed. I can't secretly pay his bills and hope to stay a while longer. His family of vultures is coming tomorrow to pick through anything of value but I've already been told they won't take his pets so I guess they assume I will. I have never even met these people. I guess that's not important here, I'm just really upset and grieving.
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