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Roommate Has Brought Toxic Lily Plants Into Our Home 3 Times And My Cat Had To Go To The Emergency Vet And It Racked Up An Insane Bill. Is There Any Action I Can Take Against Her?

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Hi, r/legaladvice! My roommate and I have lived together for over a year. In that year she’s repeatedly brought in toxic lily plants and placed them in our common area. I have a cat and if ingested (even the pollen) a cat can go into acute kidney failure. Recently she brought home a lily bouquet and placed it in our kitchen. I asked her to please place those in her bedroom but she saw it more as me suppressing her right to place things in the apartment versus me just worried for my cats safety. I even sent her a link to nontoxic flower options for cats. Didn’t matter, she kept them in the common area. Last night I got home from work and found my cat playing with a flower bulb. Upon further inspection I realized it was a lily bulb and immediately started panicking. It was wet which indicated it had been in his mouth. I called the 24hr vet and they urgently suggested I come in so they can begin flushing his kidneys. My roommate, having just texted me 5 mins prior to this happening, was no longer responding to my panicked texts or calls, not even to help me identify the type of lily so the vet tech could better help me. I brought him in and spent 3 hours in the ER vet. THANKFULLY my cat is okay as the bulb had not been opened and he wasn’t exposed to the pollen. I still have to take him in for more blood work tomorrow and the following day which is going to put me at over $1k in vet bills.

This would all have been avoided had my roommate listened to me and not brought home lily plants. I know technically she doesn’t have to foot the bill but is there anything I can do to try and get her to help me pay? I have all the text exchanges of the several other times I warned against lily plants and photos of the bulb and the pollen residue left on the kitchen shelves from the plant. Of course I’m insanely grateful my cat is going to be okay considering this could have gone much differently had he bit into the bulb but I’m infuriated at my roommate and now charged over a grand to my credit card.

Any advice would help! Thank you.

submitted by /u/beyondthetrees7
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