Roommate’s Baby Dad Entering My House Without Permission

Not sure if that flair fits but anyway.
Background: I’m in New Jersey and I own my house. I have a very good friend, we’ll call her Cathy, that lives with me. Cathy has a 4 year old with a man that we’ll refer to as Andy. Often times I am at work when Andy will come and pick up their kid to spend his time with him. I have expressed to Cathy that I’m uncomfortable with Andy being in the house and she has agreed. Cathy usually doesn’t say anything to him when he picks up unless it’s something about the kid. She doesn’t greet him and she’s never invited him in, and neither have I. She usually tries to have the kid ready to go and will walk him out onto the porch so she can avoid having to tell Andy that he’s not welcome inside, as she’s not good at confrontation. There have been times though where the kid hasn’t been ready and he will run and answer the door since he knows it’s his dad outside, in these instances Andy will open the storm door himself and walk in the house. Today I was at work and I knew Andy was coming to pick the kid up, so shortly after he did I checked the camera for the porch. Andy was on the phone with a friend. He knocked on the screen door, and then in the video I hear him say to his friend that “Child said come in” so he proceeded to not only open the storm door but the actual door as well. After talking to Cathy about it I decided I was going to text Andy and politely tell him to wait outside. My actual words were “Unless you are explicitly invited in by either Cathy or myself, I would ask that you please either wait on the porch or in your car. Thank you.”
EDIT: I’m editing this because I feel like people are misunderstanding the question. It’s not about a restraining order, it’s not about Cathy not putting her foot down. I know these are problems. Andy only lets himself in my house if I’m NOT home. He has now been explicitly asked to stay outside unless invited in. If he enters my home again, is it considered trespassing? Can I threaten to or actually call the police if this man enters my home again, even if a resident of the home is there? Those are the questions at hand
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