Sheriff Mess Up Mn
I purchased my dog for 1500$ 3 years ago, he was a good dog. Couple months ago I got served papers that he had bitten an amazon drive and was now labeled dangerous. I couldn't afford the terms I would have to live by to keep him so we got him up to dat on all shots and found a rescue in Mi that would take time in, this sfter spending 500$ on a lawyer and paying 400$ to ship him. I went to the sheriff's office to turn in my documents and inform him of the shipping when they told me that they messed up and mislabeled him dangerous, and the officer didn't completely under stand the ordinance of the county. Is there anything to recoup some of these costs? I cannot go get the dog but I feel the sheriff's should have to pay me for his purchase and shipping, or am I way out in left field?
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