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Someone Is Posting Private Information About Me In A Discord Server I'm Banned From.

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So I was in a Discord server server, when someone (the head mod) decided to look up my name (as its in my bio, under paypal).

They started posting the things they found, including a... regretful post I had made when I was 15. One of the screenshots included my address.

When I asked them to take it down, they said "its all public information" They then banned me after finding out my religion (from said things they found) and I can't see whats going on anymore. (they said "Ew, you're *religion*?" then banned me)

I don't know what to do, what if they post more things, what if they find private stuff and share it... I'm really scared and don't know what to do, any and all help is appreciated...

I have contacted Discord, but still would like advice, seeing as what they did is Doxxing.

I'm in Maine, but am a resident of Vermont, I don't know if that helps at all

submitted by /u/MrPlautimus468
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