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Strange Situation. My Mom Died And My Aunt Has Been Living In Her Home For Free For Years. Can I Move Someone Else In There To Annoy Her To Leave?

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Let me start by saying I am not a landlord but ive been put in a situation where the law may see me as such.

Backstory: My mom passed feb 1st this year in Wisconsin. She was in a nursing home for the last year and a half. She was paying all of the bills for the home she owns(has a mortgage still). My aunt (her sister that we will call J in this scenario) has been living there for at least 3 years. Hasnt paid a bill once. Just lives there for free. Since my mom was gone in the nursing home, J decided to do whatever she wanted in the home. Smoke, do drugs, have animals and let them destroy the house. The carpets have cat vomit, food, urine all over them. There's dead mice everywhere. Recently she's shit on the bathroom floor and not cleaned it up. Since my mom passed, I've been doing all kinds of things with probate, successor of interest on the mortgage, just basically tying up loose ends. She had no will. I am not the executor to the estate yet but assume I will be once the court house looks over my probate papers and decides.

During this time J has still been living there, with all of the bills in my moms name. Which is adding up quickly. I have asked her to leave and she's refused. So I put an eviction notice on the door on Feb 16th for her to be out by March 31st. I also sent one by certified mail and it was refused and sent back to me. I have been to the house a couple of times since my mom passed just to take pictures and see the condition.
Yesterday I received a call from a detective who asked what was going on. I explained the situation and he then says that J was in the hospital recently and found cocaine in her system. J told the police that I have been lacing her pills with cocaine. So he had to ask if I was. I told him no, absolutely not and that I live an hour away so I don't know when I'd have time to do that. He kinda laughed it off and then talked about how I need to make sure I leave a 24 hour notice before showing up anymore. Im assuming she called to tell them I came to get some of my mother's things over this last weekend.

So I guess my question is, can move someone into the home as a "renter" and have them make her life hell so she leaves? I feel I'm being treated as a landlord to a squatter and I'm just not sure what legal rights I have. I honestly just want this all to be over so I can process my mom passing.

TLDR: my mom passed and my aunt is a squatter in her home. How do i get her out legally and quickly? Can I move someone in so they bother her enough to leave?

submitted by /u/JenniferJackal
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