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Suing For Being Diagnosed Munchausen By Proxy

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Since my daughter now 14 was born, she has had GI problems. Every doctor brushed me off saying nothing was wrong. Most wouldn't even do testing. I've been red flagged at hospitals, and my own doctors don't take ME seriously for my medical issues.

Friday, after fighting for YEARS to see a specialist, she was diagnosed with a disease they SHOULD have caught at birth.

I am an ANGRY mother.

Can I sue for damages as well as defamation for the munchausen? If they caught this when they were supposed to, she wouldn't be needing surgery here soon. It could have been treated and kept under control. Now she will possibly need a colostomy back and parts of her intestines and colon removed because they thought I was lying for attention.

submitted by /u/Scarlett61614
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