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This Has To Be Illegal… Right?

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I’ve posted on here before about past issues with disability discrimination on Iber and other rideshare platforms. I’m blind and receive monthly allotments of subsidized trips, and since around last July (2024), I’ve filed countless reports against drivers for reasons like taking me to the wrong address, being rude or unprofessional towards my disabilities, not confirming drop-off addresses upon vehicle entry… the list goes on. Today, this absurdity reached a whole new level when I literally got picked up by a driver, who did not acknowledged when I meesaged him that he was picking up a blind passenger (I do this as a precaution and to make drivers aware in case of issues), and he started driving down the street without confirming my drop off address. I asked him multiple times, but he refused to confirm it, only telling me to “hold on a second.” Then, he took an abrupt right and left turn, told me to get out, and said he was canceling the ride. … that’s illegal, isn’t it??? I classify as an at-risk adult due to my disabilities, so this almost certainly HAS to be some sort of negligence on the driver’s part, right? Wouldn’t he had been liable if something happened, since I had no clue where I was (until I called the police), because he just ditched me on the side of the road in a random location that wasn’t even close to where I was going? (At most it was only a few blocks away from the pickup, but still…). I’m definitely reporting this to Iber, but I seriously doubt they’ll do anything to it. I’ve also raised this with several legal entities and have been denied representation, but should I keep trying to pursue that? I still don’t know if Uber has to be ADA complaint, and I know the waters get murky when dealing with independent contractor stuff like this, but there has to be some sort of precedence to avoid stuff like this from happening. Oh, and if you’re wondering, the police said this was a “civil matter” between me and Uber, but they did give me a card with the report info on it, and took the driver’s info and mine. What should I do?? Please help!!!

*If it helps I’m in Colorado.

submitted by /u/AGReddy
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