This Is A Long Story So Be Prepared But I Need Help Deciding On What To Ask For In Mediation : My Ex Husbands Wife Bit My Daughter

Like I said my ex husband’s new wife (married for less than a year) bit my 2 year old daughter.
On February 7th I picked up my kids (son 5, and daughter 2) from my ex husband for my parenting time. I got them at 6pm, we had a fine drop off nothing happened at all I commented on their dads new car telling him that I liked it and was glad he was able to get a new one. I took my kids home, made dinner and took them upstairs to put them in bed.
While putting them to bed I was helping my son change as he had a really bad night the night before, he was forcing himself to throw up for about 5 hours and he was hyperventilating and hysterical ( I was told by his dad and his wife who confirmed it was a panic attack)…. I was helping him change and he told me he had a bite mark on his leg from his sister…. I turned to his sister and told her biting wasn’t nice and jokingly told her you’re lucky it wasn’t me or I would have bit her back….. he proceeded to tell me that is exactly what happened and his dads wife bit her…. There was no hesitation when he told me and my fiancee this. I looked at my daughter’s arm and there was a bruise in the shape of a dental impression on her arm……
I called cps and the sheriff that weekend multiple times, took both kids to be seen by a doctor and then on that Monday I went and filed a protection order for her and her brother. My daughters was accepted but her brothers wasn’t. Cps didn’t even open a case to look into. The sheriff said the case I opened for assault wouldn’t get looked at for months and to not count on that.
I kept my kids on his time because I knew the wife was still there and that it wasn’t safe for them if she is around. Their father decided to show up to my sons therapy with 3 policemen in tow and threatened to arrest me in-front of them, my son was completely traumatized already so that just added onto the stress, my daughter clung to me while her father pretty much ripped her out of my arms, she cried and reached out for me trying to get me to grab her back from him. Which was on the 14th on the 13th he tried to file a contempt claim against me for “not having a reason to withhold” in our old mediated agreement it says “without cause) but that’s the thing I had cause he also lied in the court documents by omitting much of the information that was indeed on our mediation agreement.
On the 19th I filed for an emergency custody hearing. To which now I’m waiting on the mediated date.
What do I ask for in regard to the mediated custody agreement? I know I’m asking for them to return to my home permanently and full time, that they BOTH have to take parenting classes and until I have proof that they have completed them and passed them (if that’s a thing) they only get to see the kids with supervision, and I am willing to drop the protective order after those parenting classes are completed and if and only if the wife tells me exactly why she went straight to buying a 2 year old minor instead of picking her up off her brother, my daughters 27.1 pounds and not big enough to turn her car seat around yet! I also had fractured my shoulder the day after Christmas and was in intense pain and needed help with them but while they were with me alone. I wouldn’t care if I got hurt and that happened a few times. But the new wife is studying to be a nurse…… it doesn’t make sense
What else should I ask for?
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