Told To Go Home, There's No Work. After Getting Texts And Emails To Show Up, And Sitting Through Their Meeting.
first off washington state laws and obviously federal laws apply here.
I work in the delivery/courier field. I started at a new warehouse a couple of weeks ago, so far so good. my numbers seem great (still new not entirely sure). I show up for work at my usual time, after getting the several usual forms of notification of when the briefing meeting would be. I sit through the 20 minute meeting only to be told there isn't enough freight, me and a few others are told go home.
So my question is, am I entitled to two hours of pay because they made me come in for the meeting. I ask because I remember working for a different job that was a thing. I'm not sure, maybe it was specific to them and their rules? they were sued for something regarding pay and after made sure to tell us that we were entitled to those hours. in trying to answer my question on my own, I saw a .gov website referring to something called "show-up pay" stating "Employers are not required to pay employees if they report for their shift and told they are not needed to work. Only actual hours worked must be paid." is this correct am I really not getting paid? Even for the 20 minutes I clocked in for the meeting? I was unemployed for a few weeks before this and I need every advantage I can get.
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