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Towing Mishap

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I live in FL and was visiting my friend in his apartment complex to go and find my car completely missing. After an hour of searching I find that it was towed without warning because I parked one space away from the completely full guest parking section. The guest parking section had a total of 11 spaces that were all full, and I parked in the one single open spot next to the sign. The sign had no indication that it was a tow away zone, just said visitor parking. We called the tow company and they said they we “should’ve let the neighborhood know that there was a visitor parking in a non guest space,” but when we went over the complex bylaws there is nothing that states that in case of the 11 spots being full, there needs to be contact made with the neighborhood or the vehicle will be towed with absolutely zero effort to contact the resident or the driver. I am obviously quite upset and wanted to know if there is anything substantial I can bring to small claims or if I just need to avoid visiting that apartment complex anymore. Any help or advice would be greatly appreciated

submitted by /u/Negative-Seesaw-3131
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