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Trailer Park Charging Odd Fees Suddenly (charged To Park In My Driveway)

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I'm not wildly familiar with Reddit so if I post something wrong, I'm sorry. I live in Ohio in a trailer park. I own my home and rent the lot. Most of my neighbors do not speak English and I think they might be using the fact that a lot of us are immigrants in order to take advantage. When I moved in, one of the perks was free internet. They decided not to do that anymore and now I'm paying an extra $70 a month. They asked for another copy of my house title. I didn't see that they asked, and so they added a $100 fee to my rent for the month. They had a copy of my title already. I had given it to them several times. Over the weekend I got a notice that I have to start paying for the right to park in my driveway. They said too many people park in the neighborhood. I could understand if there was a rule not to park in the street, because that is annoying. The streets are too narrow. But I'm getting charged $10 a month for my car and my girlfriend's car to be parked in my driveway. If I have friends over, it's $10 a day per car. I have a 4 or 5 car driveway. So I have a bunch of space that I'm not allowed to use without paying. I'm living paycheck to paycheck. My electric bill since we went under new management has shot up to $320 a month for one 650 sq ft trailer. I've lived here for years and it never went over $150 before. I don't understand what's up. My heat has been set to 59 degrees all winter and it hasn't helped. My friend have told me to refuse to pay these charges, but I don't want towed and they said that is the consequence. I've tried emailing about concerns before, but they actively ignore me. Is this legal to just enforce without it being in our lease agreements? I don't want to call them because I'd rather have a paper trailer. I'm trying to sell my house because at this point, it is actually cheaper for a me to live in a 3 bedroom townhome. I found one already. But I feel guilty selling my trailer to anyone at this point.

submitted by /u/MajorWasabi9805
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