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Trespassers Reported Me (property Owner) To The Police - Ky

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I live in Kentucky, and yesterday around noon, I told two teenagers who were trespassing on my property to leave. I did not use any slurs—just firmly told them to get out of my yard. It's a large property; around 4 acres, and I caught them walking around in the back by the water throwing tree branches and rocks around.

About eight hours later, at 10:30 PM, the police showed up at my house. They said the teens reported that I yelled racial slurs at them. The officer shined a light into my window and came to my back door, which felt invasive and intimidating.

I am completely innocent of the accusation and am now concerned about how to handle this situation. I’d love any legal advice on:

  1. How to respond if the police follow up further
  2. What I should ask for when I go to the police station (copy of the report, information about the trespassers, etc)
  3. Whether I should proactively consult an attorney
  4. My rights when police come onto my property, especially at night
  5. Any steps I should take to protect myself moving forward
submitted by /u/itschmells
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