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Undocumented Friend Got Hit By Car At Crosswalk

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My friend who is undocumented got hit by a car while crossing the street the other day. My friend had the right of way at the crosswalk. She has been in the US for at least 23 years. She only speaks Spanish, is older - probably around 60 and works at a restaurant so her income isn't great. She lives paycheck to paycheck and barley makes rent each month. She ended up going to the hospital and was transported by ambulance which she was worried about paying for. She has a severe concussion, bruised shoulder and knee(that I know of). I'm very close with her as I've worked with her for years which has made her basically feel like a second mother to me. She has two kids that speak both english and spanish fluently and I believe are both US citizens. They don't really help out much with finances or even bringing their mother to work so thats why I feel I need to help out with this since I am nervous they might just move on without looking into anything for their mother. I know this may not be my business to help in but please understand. Anyways what I'm here for is to ask; if my friend is undocumented can she still get compensation for this? The lady that hit her with her car didn't run so the police got her information. I am unsure if the lady has insurance since I was more worried about getting to the hospital with my friend. Could my friend sue the lady that hit her and if so does she need to worry about potential ICE scares or anything of that nature. She is very nervous about police and anything related to them so I want to ensure that if she does do anything that she doesn't need to worry about that stuff. What would be the best way to go about this if she can do anything?

submitted by /u/haileym127
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