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Unmarried Mother Custody Issue

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Ohio. Custody matter.

I have a one year old that has exclusively lived with me and my older son for the first year of life. His father has been seeing him one weekend day almost every other weekend (sometimes two weekends in a row). Father has an older child he has every other weekend so his reasoning is he wants to spend as much quality time as possible with older child on the weekends he has him (not having our child there with them).

Here is where I am wanting advice. He has said he wants to have our son on the same days he has his older child. So a 2-2-5 schedule. My work schedule is flexible and can vary sometimes week to week. When baby’s dad got divorced from his ex wife, his parents watched his son even though his ex wife offered to have him during the day.

I am not comfortable yet with a 2-2-5 schedule and being separated from my baby for 5 days at a time.

Baby’s dad rarely initiates seeing him. I’m usually the one doing the planning and taking him over there. I have text proof of this.

We are not married and I’ve heard conflicting things about whether I would be entitled to child support and right of first refusal. My concern is if I am off work, I would like to have my baby and not have him go to either his parents or a daycare.

Baby’s dad makes about double what I do. He did add him to his insurance this year but I also have him on my own insurance and did at birth as well.

I am just worried about my baby going from seeing his dad basically 4 hours every other week to 2-2-5 and how I have not received any offer of financial help. Baby’s dad said if I asked for anything he’d pay but I don’t think I should have to be asking. I’ve paid for everything his first year of life.

If his dad were to go to court to get 50/50 custody, would he then be likely to be ordered to pay child support?

He has also mentioned claiming baby on his taxes this year despite having him for a total of two overnights where I had to work. He also hasn’t paid for anything tax year 2024. Can he even do that legally?

Thank you for any advice. I’m dealing with a high conflict person who has emotionally abused me (back and forth with our relationship) and I’m just trying to understand what my rights are as mom.

submitted by /u/seapup
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