Vt Marriage Certificate Amended Incorrectly And I Can’t File The Paperwork Again

So I was trying to amend my marriage certificate because I happened to notice my father’s place of birth was listed as the wrong state. I had to submit evidence which was my birth certificate showing the birth state of both my parents, and I had to fill out a long form with my and my husband’s signatures and my JOP’s signature and the whole marriage certificate written over how it should be correctly. I did this and I was given a court date with the state probate court and all was seemingly well.
Well, they cancelled the court date without telling me and just went ahead and amended the certificate without my input, and now both my parents’ birthplaces were changed to the one my father is supposed to have. So now the court order is wrong too, in the opposite direction. I cannot get my JOP’s signature again as I had to travel 4 hours to do so last time and this was only possible because I was still moving my stuff from a home in that area so I was already there. He has no email listed on the clerk website and has a few screws loose so it was like pulling teeth to get the first signature, so I can’t imagine trying to get his email over the phone and sending it back and forth will work well, or if the court would even take a printout version if I did. And I can’t take time off to make the drive to get a wet signature now because I can’t afford to - I’m in a new job and they don’t pay PTO until 90 days, and that home is also no longer available to me to stay in and I can’t afford a hotel.
I have no idea how I’m going to fix this stupid mistake the court made somehow, despite the correct evidence being right in front of their faces along with a written statement of how the certificate is supposed to look. I have to hope they have my application on file and that they can fix this without me having to get my JOP’s signature again.
Can they fix the court order without me resubmitting the whole form again or am I fucked now? To reiterate, I did not make a mistake on the form and it is written with the request being just my father’s place of birth changed to what it should be. I had to write out the whole application for marriage again with correct birthplaces so I have no idea how they fucked this up.
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