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Wage Theft.. And Dignity Theft ????

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I submitted a claim about a year and a half ago to the Department of Industrial Relations because my employer wasn't paying me enough and ended up unfairly discharging me, before the restaurant shut down a month later. [Little bit more backstory: when I filed my claim- I had also brought up that my manager sexually harassed me the day I was discharged (and beforehand) and submitted a document to them stating all the details, which I will not share all of here. Okay, continuing...] The restaurant is owned by an umbrella investment group, and their flagship restaurant in my town just shut down last month. I never followed up with the DIR after submitting my claim, and never heard back anything. However.... I just got in the mail a week ago a notice of claim & conference for a settlement on Zoom. As it turns out, I was right! They weren't paying me minimum wage, and the DIR also claimed double the amount they owed me (for liquidated damages), and they claimed waiting time penalties on my behalf. All in all, I am wondering if anyone can give me advice on not just what I should expect in a settlement conference, but if I am able to pursue a higher settlement because of harassment claims? Or would I have to go through a different department/file something separate? I'm curious if I am allowed to ask for, let's say, double the money- in order to end any further potential litigation on my part? Or..... am I allowed to only take what they're giving me? Thank you for any advice in advance! Edit: -I live in CA-

submitted by /u/ieatbrains4breakfast
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