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Wages Started Being Garnished Without Any Warning What Can I Do? Al/oh

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Found out last month that my check is being garnished. It was for a suit that i only got notice of after the fact. My work never let me know either. I got all the paperwork one day in the mail after it's all been said and done. Called my works HR and Payroll and they were no help at all. The clerks office told me that I can file for an exception so they take less. I'm living in AL, but the order was issued from OH wherei went to school.

Out side of filing with the clerks office I don't know what I can do. Agian no contact at all. I was blindsided. It was from a housing scam that was going around when I was starting college. I at the time I wasn't the only one. It went to class action but never heard anything else about it. 15 plus years later. Boom.

submitted by /u/Biengo
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