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Was Threatened With A Lawsuit For Violating An Nda That I Never Signed

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Need to give some backgrounds so 16 years ago I was brutally beaten up in school, I was taken to the nurse then shuffled around various classrooms and then the principal’s office, then the vice principal’s, guidance counselor’s before finally the teacher who was being ordered to “watch over me” had to go home

Where I was finally sent to the library to sit there and not do anything

So this all occurred in the course of 4 1/2 hours, the boy who beat me up was allowed to go home but I was the one being shuffled to all sorts of different locations

Eventually my two older siblings came to pick me up and found I was in my usual spot, they asked around and were told by my classmates what happened, they called my mother since the secretary wasn’t allowed to disclose anything and both of the principal and the vice principal had gone home for the day

Well my mother had come in and with my two siblings went through the entire school looking for me till they found me in the library

The librarian had told her she was very confused why they hadn’t taken me to the hospital yet, because I was struggling to stay awake but she was told that I needed to stay there till the principal was ready for me

So I get taken to the hospital, had a severe concussion

Out of school for a week and my mother went ballistic the principal had wall sorts of excuses that were basically disproven

My mother had threatened a lawsuit due to the severity of what had happened

Nothing really came from it but over the years I had discussed my experience and how crazy that time was being essentially kidnapped by my principal and vice principal

So recently I ran into my old vice principal and he was very aggressive and told me that apparently me retelling what happened caused him to lose his job, he threatened me with a lawsuit claiming i violated an NDA and that I wasn’t allowed to discuss what happened.

The thing is i never signed anything like that, I contacted my mother and she never signed anything either, she told me that she was informed that any lawsuit we would have done would have taken time and money, money my family didn’t have.

So basically the question I had is can I get sued for violating an NDA I never signed?

submitted by /u/Business-Line-1147
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