What Should My Mom Be Doing To Not Get Screwed Over During Divorce Proceedings With My Dad?
My parents have been married for 25 years, they had me after they got married and my sister two years after… then my two younger siblings 13 years after. My dad wants to divorce my mom, and is strongly recommending she doesn’t file for child support or else she won’t get government assistance because she will be receiving child support. She is going to be left raising by brother who is 8 years old and autistic sister who is six years old. She currently doesn’t have a job because she has been forced to stay home and care for the kids while my dad worked overtime.
How should my mom go about this process without her and the kids getting screwed over by my dad trying to take the easy way out?
Where should she look for help to get advice and affordable representation for herself and the kids?
And is what he is saying about the whole government help and child support issue even accurate?
Is there anything else that we should be considering when it comes to this whole divorce process?
I would appreciate any advice! We are all located in CT
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