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When To Call Police For Harassment?

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Not sure if this is the right subreddit, please let me know if there’s another place to ask this:

When do I call the police for harassment? I recently took in my niece for a few days as she was escaping child abuse from her dad. She was with me because her dad had no idea where I lived, so she was safe. He continued to harass me and my family for days on end, sending numerous messages and even sent me a text saying “I will find u”. This was about 2 weeks ago. Fast forward to today, maybe an hour ago, my parter gets a text from a phone number with our area code, but neither of us recognize it. It was a screenshot of my apartment complex, unit number and signed with my initials, followed by the emojis “????️????????????️” (eye for an eye), and a pregnant female, since I am 9 months pregnant. My boyfriend tried to not show me, but I kept pushing since I noticed a change in his demeanor. I am absolutely mortified. CPS and the Police Department are aware of the child abuse, but when do I report for harassment? I ended up finding out it was him because I looked up his phone number and it’s registered to his name.

Do I have any options? He is already a convicted felon for aggravated assault, and has multiple priors for Domestic Violence.

submitted by /u/iivynic
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