Wisconsin Legal Advice: Fined $600 For Not Responding To Walworth County Jury Questionaire In A State I Haven’t Been A Resident In Since 2018, Did Not Receive Letters Or Notice, Dept Of Wi Revenue Put Hold On Bank Accounts (i Feel Robbed)

I’m a bit at a loss right now and would really appreciate some advice. If there’s any steps to fight this fine.
I found out about fine for not filling out jury questionaire after $600 was suddenly put on hold in my bank account. After multiple calls to bank, the department of wi revenue, and then walworth circuit court I finally found out it’s a fine + late fees for not responding to a 2024 jury questionaire. I’ve been a resident of Illinois since 2018 and my Wisconsin drivers license expired in 2021 (I don’t own a car). I got an Illinois real ID drivers license in 2022. I pay taxes and vote in Illinois since my move. Walworth pulls the jury pool from a list provided by the local DMV of residents I called the circuit court clerk and jury clerk and they both keep telling me there’s nothing they can do about the 2024 fine.
I also found out I had a 2025 jury questionaire assigned in Walworth and immediately filled it out. The questions were is this the right address (no) do you live in walworth (no). It just seems unfair that I have to pay a fine for a state I’m not a resident and when I wasn’t notified because I never received any of the letters. I’m not a person that would ignore a jury summons/questionaire had I received it. Its a lot of money to me (to most people really) and my bank (chase) is also fining me $100 for legal processing fee.
I acted promptly as soon as I found out about the fine by emailing the DMV and calling Walworth circuit court. Are there any steps I can take to get a refund of the jury fine? Should I take it to small claims court? write a letter?
Thanks in advance.
Other details:
The address the letters were sent to were my Mom’s old address where I lived briefly between college and finding a job (was on my old WI license). My mom moved out of that address the end of 2018.
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