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Woman Wants To Buy Childhood Home - Can She Make A Claim?

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Hello all! Essentially my husband and I bought a house in Michigan and a woman showed up shortly after we moved in saying she grew up there and wanted to see the place. My mom made a similar request when I was a kid so I wasn’t too concerned. We started to get worried when she started telling us a story about being cheated out of the opportunity to buy the house when it went up for sale and wanted us to sell it to her.

We were uncomfortable and caught off guard I told her we could not but she was free to leave her information and we could give it to our realtor assuming we moved in a few years when I finished my graduate training. She left but came by another time when we were doing yard work and asked again when we expected to move, again I was surprised and said something like maybe 4-5 years?? She again left. A few weeks later one of our neighbors observed this woman laying in the grass in our front yard when we weren’t home. This is when we got really freaked out.

I am fully prepared now if she ever comes by again to ask her to stop visiting us, stay off of our property, and that we may never sell. But based on our interactions so far is there any way this woman could make a claim to our property in the future?

I’m worried I sound silly but months later I’m still thinking about this. TIA

submitted by /u/Icy_Potential426
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