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90 Inexpensive And Effective Dog Fence Ideas

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Depending on where you live, most yards are not outfitted for the needs of dogs, but many dog owners prefer a backyard that is fenced in. So if you’re looking for inexpensive and effective dog fence ideas, you’ve come to the right place. We searched high and low for every kind of dog fence to make it easier for your canine companion to safely stay and play in the yard. In fact, we found so many that we’ve included both indoor and outdoor dog fences, as well as some that might not be so inexpensive.

Whether you need to fence your property from scratch or you’re building off your existing landscape, we have dog fence barrier ideas for small, large, active, curious, and energetic breeds. If your pooch is a jumper, climber, digger, or an escape artist, we have dog fence ideas for you, too. From inexpensive backyard dog fence ideas to more elaborate fence panel designs, our extensive list features dog fences made from materials such as wire, wood, or plastic, as well as natural landscaping items like rock, stone, trees, and plants.

For your convenience, we created multiple dog fence categories to help you narrow your search. Not all fences are suitable for all dogs. Breed, size, age, personality, activity level, and agility skills are important factors to consider when choosing an inexpensive (or not so inexpensive) and effective dog fence. Also keep in mind that dogs should not be left outdoors, in fenced-in areas, or alone unattended for extended periods of time. Look through our dog fence ideas below:

  • Types of Dog Fences
  • Dog Fence Ideas for Backyard
  • Dog Run Fence Ideas
  • Temporary Dog Fence Ideas
  • Cheap Dog Fence Ideas
  • Indoor Dog Fence Ideas
  • Small Dog Fence Ideas
  • Large Dog Fence Ideas
  • Easy Dog Fence Ideas

Types of Dog Fences

1. Wire Dog Fences

Image Credit: URAL / Pexels

Easy, inexpensive, and effective, wire fences are available in a wide variety of styles and sizes. From simple chicken wire to elaborate, decorative chain link fences, a wire dog fence can keep small and large dogs in the yard. These types of fences are usually easy to put up in an afternoon or weekend – just be sure to wear heavy duty gloves when handling wire fencing.

2. Wood Dog Fences

Image Credit: Pixabay / Pexels

Wood dog fences are one of the most popular outdoor dog fence ideas – they’re easy on the eyes, provide natural décor, and are an effective way to keep your pooch in the yard. Short, tall, slats with a view, or a solid wall for privacy, wood dog fences add to your curb appeal while giving your active pup a place to play safely.

3. Metal Dog Fences

Image Credit: manfredrichter / Pixabay

Not as popular as wire or wood, metal dog fences provide more strength and stability, can stake into the ground without digging post holes, and might provide more aesthetics than wire. Typically structured from either stainless steel or aluminum, metal dog fences are often treated to withstand inclement weather in order to help increase the life of the fence.

4. Wrought Iron Dog Fences

Image Credit: ArtisticOperations / Pixabay

Iron dog fences are heavy duty fences that are durable, strong, and add rustic class to your yard. They’re available in a wide range of styles and sizes and can be suitable for small to large dog breeds. Though not lightweight like aluminum, or cheap like wire, wrought iron is made to last.

5. Plastic Dog Fences

A number of dog fences are made out of plastic and are best suited for indoors, though some are weather-resistant and available as lattice work, panels, and picket-style fencing. Most plastic dog fences are geared toward small- to medium-size dogs and typically create a small perimeter when enclosed.

6. Vinyl Dog Fences

Image Credit: Photoman / Pixabay

Vinyl dog fences provide a bit more strength and durability than plastic fences. A popular siding option for houses, vinyl can be made to mimic the look of wood, which makes for a cheaper alternative to natural wood. Vinyl dog fences are available in a range of sizes, styles, and colors.

7. PVC Pipe Dog Fences

Dog fences made with PVC piping give you an inexpensive but effective dog fence, especially for climbers and jumpers. The cylindrical structure doesn’t provide traction for paws to grab a foothold. Depending on how you set it up, the PVC piping could also spin, discouraging any animals from attempting to climb the fence.

8. Rope Dog Fences

Image Credit: Uliana / Pexels

Not your typical dog fence idea, a rope dog fence can secure some dogs in a yard. For the pooch who prefers to stay in the yard anyway or doesn’t require much to deter her, a bunch of thick rope with just the right spacing might be all you need to keep your pup safe while you add country-ambiance to your landscape. Not recommended for small dogs.

9. Invisible Dog Fences

Image Credit: BHCEY / Amazon

Invisible dog fences are a popular choice for homeowners who don’t want a physical fence surrounding their property, but are looking for a way to keep their dog in the yard. Available in GPS (global positioning system), electric, and wireless varieties, an invisible fence is not as safe, secure, or durable as a strong physical fence.

10. Natural Dog Fences

Image Credit: Jonathan Petersson / Pexels

Dog fence ideas for outdoors don’t have to be bought or built; borrow from your existing environment. A natural dog fence uses items from your yard or nearby wooded area to keep with the natural landscape, such as downed trees, fallen branches, rocks, stones, and loose brush. Never destroy your environment, though; use and clean up what has already fallen to the earth.

11. Portable Dog Fences

Image Credit: FXW / Amazon

Sometimes you need a dog fence when you’re on-the-go. Portable dog fences are available in a variety of choices – from invisible to enclosed to plastic to cloth. Portable dog fences either function as gates or enclosed areas. Made for dogs of all sizes, portable dog fences allow you the opportunity to take your dog with you wherever you go.

12. Gate Dog Fences

Image Credit: Lisa Fotios / Pexels

Gate dog fences are usually one or two gates that stand alone to block off a small path. Used indoors or outdoors, some gate dog fences are attached or secured to an existing wall, fence, or structure to safely enclose the entire area. These are convenient when your environment has mostly provided you with a natural fence.

13. Combination Dog Fences

Image Credit: enriquepicazoga / Pixabay

Some of the best dog fence ideas use a combination of materials and styles to create an aesthetically pleasing, durable, and effective dog fence. Combining materials such as wood and wire, wire and concrete, concrete and metal, or wood and stone makes for a stronger multi-purpose fence. This can be a good option for strong, large breeds.

14. Do-It-Yourself Dog Fences

Image Credit: Efes / Pixabay

Like the natural dog fence, you can do it yourself. Whether you opt for a fence kit, use what you have lying around, or simply purchase the raw materials from your local home improvement store, you can build your own dog fence. Do-it-yourself dog fences give you more control over any specific needs you, your dog, or your yard may have.

Dog Fence Ideas for Your Backyard

15. In-Ground Dog Fences

Usually referred to as a type of invisible fence, in-ground dog fences rely on wire that you bury under the ground around your property to create the perimeter fence you want. This system uses beeps, vibration, or shock to warn your dog about the perimeter through a receiver collar. In-ground dog fences may also refer to traditional fences that are partially buried underground to prevent digging.

16. In-Ground Electric Dog Fences

In-ground electric dog fences are controversial, due to their poor reliability, possible harm to the dog, and safety concerns. This system relies on electricity generated through wire buried under the ground to alert or shock your dog should he cross the in-ground fence perimeter.

17. Wireless Electric Dog Fences

Image Credit: JUSTPET / Amazon

Slightly more reliable than the in-ground electric dog fence, the wireless electric dog fence doesn’t rely on buried wires. Still relying on electricity, however, this type of fencing uses tones, beeps, vibration, or shock to correct your dog. This version is portable, and some can be customized to fit a certain perimeter like the in-ground electric dog fence.

18. Dog Shock Collar Fences

Dog shock collar fences are a type of invisible fence that use electricity in either wires buried underground or through a wireless transmitter. In the event your dog crosses over the boundary, he’ll receive a small shock via the receiver collar..

19. Infill Dog Fences

Infill dog fences are a type of combination dog fence that features wood or metal slat fencing – these are flat strips or rods, framed by brick or another type of masonry and separated by pillars. This style of fencing is strong, durable, and adds curb appeal.

20. Decorative Panel Dog Fences

Image Credit: dennisflarsen / Pixabay

Usually made from metal, decorative panel dog fences consist of metal or wood panels or gates with one or more of the panels featuring a carved decoration. Not suitable for all dogs since effectiveness depends on the size and placement of the carvings or design.

21. Trellis Dog Fences

Image Credit: GLady / Pixabay

If you’re handy in the garden, a trellis dog fence can be a beautiful way to create a barrier while enhancing the look of your yard. A typical trellis is made from either wood or vinyl, but a trellis can be made from anything a plant, vine, or flower can climb and grab onto. Trellises are available as archways, fences, and walls.

22. Evergreen Tree Dog Fences

Evergreen tree dog fences are tall fences created with dense evergreen trees, typically 3 to 4 feet high, though some may be up to 6 feet tall. However, you can use any dense tree, bush, or plant to create a natural barrier in your yard. This type of dog fence also adds privacy and curb appeal.

23. Tropical Plant Dog Fences

Tropical plants often grow quite tall and can be used to create a dog fence around your yard. Be sure to pick tropical plants or trees that are not dangerous for your pooch. As a bonus, many tropical plants deter annoying critters and pesky bugs.

24. Landscaping Dog Fences

Image Credit: jensullivan113 / Pixabay

Landscaping dog fences are a bit more expensive and elaborate than your average wire or wood dog fence. This is a natural barrier around your yard (or a portion of it) that you or a professional landscaping company designs with your particular needs in mind. The barrier could include trees, plants, flowers, stones, structures, ponds, and more.

Dog Run Fence Ideas

25. Woven Wire with Tarp Siding Dog Fences

Active dogs need a place to run, and a chain link fence covered in a tarp siding provides a safe way for your pooch to do the zoomies. Good for reactive dogs, the tarp decreases the risk of distraction from passers-by or wildlife.

26. Vinyl-Coated Wire Dog Fences

Image Credit: Digital Buggu / Pexels

A good dog run fence idea is the vinyl-coated wire dog fence. It’s coated in a vinyl padding over a galvanized layer, which makes the wire fence safe and more durable. The process also leaves it looking more like a finished fence.

27. Galvanized Wire Dog Fences

Image Credit: athree23 / Pixabay

Galvanized wire dog fences feature a coating that creates a more weather-resistant wire fence than the standard woven wire or chain link fence. This means a stronger, longer-lasting dog fence.

28. Powder-Coated Wire Dog Fences

Image Credit: Brett Sayles / Pexels

Another form of weather proofing, powder-coated wire dog fences are galvanized fences with an extra layer of protection – a thick powdered paint. This increases the resistance to weather, making it a more durable fence. The painted coat gives the fence a more finished look than the standard chain link fence.

29. Split Rail Chain Link Dog Fences

Image Credit: Connor Danylenko / Pexels

This combination dog fence features a split-rail fence with chain link to give you a sturdy, strong, and durable dog fence. Great for dogs of all sizes, ages, and activity levels. Often used for livestock.

30. Wood Privacy Panel Dog Fences

Image Credit: Snapwire / Pexels

A wood privacy panel dog fence is structured out of wood panels you can’t see through – either large solid panels or slat boards placed close together. A very popular fence, it’s often built with pinewood, which is an inexpensive soft wood that’s stiff and shock-resistant. Wood panel fences can also be made from oak, cedar, and redwood.

31. Covered Outdoor Kennel Dog Fences

Many active dogs like to be outdoors all the time, but the weather doesn’t always permit this. In this situation, a covered outdoor kennel dog fence makes a good dog run dog fence. As the name implies, it’s covered, which helps shield the sun, block the rain, and keep the dog run area free of debris. This type of dog fence is typically tall, may be completely enclosed, and is made from wire or steel mesh.

32. Underground Dog Fences

Underground dog fences, sometimes referred to as in-ground dog fences, are not to be confused with the invisible dog fence. Underground dog fences typically mean a woven wire fence that’s placed under the ground as part of your regular physical fence so your canine digger can’t get out by digging under the fence.

Temporary Dog Fence Ideas

33. Portable GPS Dog Fences

Maybe you have a last minute, unexpected trip, and of course your pup is going with you, so you’re looking for some kind of temporary dog fence. Portable GPS dog fences allow you to set up a safe zone to keep track of your pup, and you’ll receive an alert if your dog exits the area. Available as non-shocking, wireless electric, indoor, and tracking-only.

34. Freestanding Foldable Dog Fences

Image Credit: Artmalle / Amazon

Temporary dog fences shouldn’t require a lot of work to put up or take down. Freestanding foldable dog fences are good for when you’re on-the-go or when you need a fence you can store out of the way. This type of dog fence is made from either wire or plastic and connects to itself to create a fenced box area. When not in use, the pieces fold together.

35. Portable Wireless Dog Fences

Some wireless dog fences are portable, like certain GPS dog fences and electric dog fences. These types of dog fences are not a reliable way to keep your dog in a designated area but can provide you with a temporary solution. 

36. Environment Dog Fences

Often a do-it-yourself type of fencing, natural environment dog fences consist of using material found within the environment you want to fence, whether it be indoors or outdoors. Not suitable for all dogs or environments, but this temporary dog fence idea is a quick, simple way to contain your dog. Use downed tree branches or limbs, large rocks, existing trees or bushes, and other structures or furniture to create a temporary containment solution.

37. Potted Plant or Flower Dog Fences

Non-toxic potted plants and flowers can make for a good temporary dog fence. If you’re looking for an easy way to contain a small to medium dog, arrange large potted plants and flowers to create an enclosed area. Definitely a temporary dog fence solution, there’s a risk of plants falling over or your pup fitting through gaps between the pots.

38. Portable Invisible Dog Fences

Portable invisible dog fences cover GPS and Bluetooth tracking systems and wireless electric dog fences. A quick way to temporarily keep track of your dog, portable invisible dog fences allow you to set up a new barrier wherever you go.

39. Portable Gate Dog Fences

Image Credit: MyPet / Amazon

Portable gate dog fences are good for traveling or on-the-go and are available in a range of sizes. Consisting of one or more connecting dog gates, this type of temporary fencing makes for an easy way to block off rooms or small areas that are only partially enclosed.

Cheap Dog Fence Ideas

40. Chicken Wire Dog Fences

Image Credit: PublicDomainPictures / Pixabay

Cheap and usually found in your local home improvement or livestock store, chicken wire is a mesh netting made from galvanized wire that’s thin and flexible. It’s often used to contain animals, and it’s easy to set up. Chicken wire dog fences are not adequate for all dogs.

41. Rolled Wire Dog Fences

Image Credit: alihasadd25 / Pixabay

A no-frills, cheap dog fence idea for an afternoon set up, rolled wire dog fences are rolls of netted wire fencing. Typically offered in one long strip of fencing, as opposed to panels, this woven wire dog fence is flexible but can be made sturdier with metal stakes.

42. Rock Wall Dog Fences

Image Credit: STIGMAMA / Pixabay

A cheap do-it-yourself dog fence idea is a rock wall dog fence for small to medium dogs. Much like using your own natural environment, rock walls are often constructed from large rocks lying around the yard. The rocks are configured like a puzzle to fit on top of one another. Consequently, most rock walls are no taller than a couple of feet, unless the configured rocks are set with mortar mix to keep the wall sturdy.

43. Rail Dog Fences

Image Credit: Marcus Spiske / Pexels

Rail dog fences are a common type of dog fence, typically made from wood. These fences feature two or three rails of wood that are spaced wide horizontally between two poles. Not suitable for all dogs; some may see this as a barrier, but other pups may try to fit between the rails.

44. Firewood Dog Fences

Image Credit: _Alicja_ / Pixabay

If you live in an area that manufacturers or uses a lot of firewood, such as the northern states, this may be an easy way to store your firewood while creating a yard barrier for your dog.

45. Ivy Wall Dog Fences

Image Credit: PIRO4D / Pixabay

Many different types of dog fences can be turned into an ivy wall dog fence, from wood to wire to plastic. The benefit of an ivy fence is that the ivy can fill in any gaps to create a decorative privacy fence.

46. Livestock Netting Dog Fences

Image Credit: Pexels / Pixabay

Livestock netting dog fences are similar to welded wire and rolled wire dog fences, except they feature wider mesh sizes. They’re a flexible fence and are often kept in place with wooden frames or poles.

Indoor Dog Fence Ideas

47. Wireless Dog Fences

Image Credit: Wagz / Amazon

Certain wireless, non-shocking dog fences can be used as indoor dog fences, as well as backyard invisible fences. Those with GPS, Bluetooth, or local tracking can help keep tabs on your pets inside while correcting your dog with tones or vibrations. Set a designated area and you’ll be alerted if your dog leaves that zone.

48. Baby Gate Dog Fences

Baby gates make for a quick, easy, and cheap indoor dog fence idea. Available in multiple sizes, styles, and colors, you can mix and match to fit your needs. Whether you place the baby gate in a doorway, hallway, or to cordon off your deck, you’ll have a sturdy and safe option to keep your dog contained.

49. Plastic Modular Dog Fences

Image Credit: IRIS USA / Amazon

Plastic modular dog fences are a convenient way to contain and entertain your small pooch, either indoors or outdoors. This type of containment system allows you to configure the shape and size of the area by adding or removing the connecting panels. Some modular systems even come with toys, agility, and play areas.

50. Screen Door Dog Fences

Either a professional or do-it-yourself option, the screen door dog fence is just that – a screen door – and they make for easy, quick, convenient dog barriers inside your home. When you need to block off a wide doorway or hallway, a screen door on its side creates a mesh fence your pooch can look through.

51. Wood Gate Dog Fences

Image Credit: Welland / Amazon

Wood gate dog fences for indoors are typically foldable with two or three finished-wood panels. Available in a range of sizes for small, medium, and large breeds, wood gate dog fences add aesthetic to your home while safely containing your dog in one area of the house. Made from various types of wood, this type of dog barrier can be portable as well.

52. Wire Gate Dog Fences

Wire gate dog fences for the indoors are a popular option for all types of dogs and homes. Similar looking to pens and kennels, the wire gate dog fence usually folds in on itself for storing and carrying, making it portable. It’s made to block off doors or hallways to keep your dog in one area.

53. Plastic Exercise Pen Dog Fences

Image Credit: MyPet / Amazon

When you’re looking for a stand-alone dog fence to give you an enclosed area inside, plastic exercise pen dog fences are good for small to medium breeds. Lightweight enough to be portable, this type of indoor dog fence features multiple connected panels that fold for storing.

54. Cloth Play Pen Dog Fences

Cloth play pen dog fences are usually small, enclosed spaces similar to toddler play pens, only made specifically for dogs. Featuring four mesh sides to create a square or circular enclosure, cloth play pen dog fences have a soft-but-durable border and bottom attached so your curious pooch can’t escape out from underneath. Some even feature a zippered mesh top.

55. Furniture Dog Fences

Either temporary or permanent, your home furniture can act as a dog fence. Strategically rearrange your furniture to block off an unwanted thruway or to limit access via a certain path. Some dog kennels are created as pieces of furniture and can double as a way to block an opening. Temporarily use chairs, ottomans, small bookcases, and other sturdy pieces of furniture to contain your dog for short periods of time.

Small Dog Fence Ideas

56. Wire Exercise Pen Dog Fences

Image Credit: PetCo / Amazon

Wire exercise pen dog fences are a common choice for campgrounds and other quick, temporary setups. Not usually recommended for large breeds, wire exercise pens are lightweight, connect together via hooks, and can be anchored in the ground with stakes.

57. Gazebo Dog Fences

Gazebo dog fences look like gazebos and have a circular shape with a dome roof. Available in a myriad of sizes, gazebo dog fences are typically structured from wire mesh, anchored with metal poles, and outfitted with a canvas top.

58. Wood Picket Dog Fences

Image Credit: jeremyroot / Pixabay

Another timeless and popular choice for a dog fence is the wood picket fence. Typically seen in its natural wood state or painted white, the wood picket dog fence often has wide spacing between wood slats and may not be suitable for all breeds.

59. Vinyl Picket Dog Fences

Vinyl picket dog fences are an inexpensive and effective dog fence suitable for some dogs. Made to look like wood, a vinyl picket dog fence is cheaper, less sturdy, and features wide spacing between slats. This style of fence often comes in assorted colors.

60. Flower Garden Fence Dog Fences

Image Credit: Hans / Pixabay

Not recommended for all dogs, a flower garden fence makes for a simple, decorative dog fence for small breeds. Typically used to border flower beds, flower garden fences are usually made from wood or vinyl and come in a range of sizes and colors.

61. Vegetable Garden Fence Dog Fences

Image Credit: BOEN / Amazon


Vegetable garden fences are flexible wire or plastic mesh fences designed to keep small animals away from the harvest. Just as they keep unwanted critters out, they can keep your dog in. Not suitable for all dogs, a vegetable garden fence dog fence is anchored with stakes to keep it secure.

62. Log Dog Fences

Log dog fences are horizontal structures made from logs that are stacked on top of one another, much like a log house. Log fences are typically about waist high, may act as a retaining wall, and add curb appeal to your property. Log dog fences make a great combination fence when you use the logs to create a raised bed of plants, flowers, bushes, or small trees.

63. Railroad Tie Dog Fences

Railroad tie dog fences are barriers made from railroad ties that are stacked on top of one another to create a solid wall. Anchored with metal poles, railroad tie dog fences can double as retaining walls for flower beds or gardens.

64. Hedge or Shrubbery Dog Fences

Image Credit: juliacasado1 / Pixabay

Hedge or shrubbery dog fences create a dense bushy barrier around your yard while keeping a more natural look to your property. Hedges and shrubs can enhance your landscape while also helping to contain your dog in the yard.

65. Raised Flower Bed Dog Fences

Raised flower beds or vegetable gardens can make a great dog fence for small to medium dogs, as long as the structure sits on the ground and not on legs. Create a retaining wall out of rock, stone, or wood to plant your garden around the border of your yard.

Large Dog Fence Ideas

66. Backstop Dog Fences

If your dog likes to jump or climb fences, a backstop dog fence is what you’re looking for. This type of dog fence is made from either wood or wire, though it is more commonly found in the chain link style. The top of the fence features a backstop – an angled piece of fence to help prevent anything from going over the top.

67. Angled Wood Dog Fences

Angled wood dog fences are similar to backstop dog fences, except either wood or wire can be used on the top of a new or existing wood fence to create an angled top. Angled wood dog fences are often decorative and add style to your yard.

68. Wood with Wire Top Dog Fences

A popular combination fence, a wood with a wire top dog fence is a wooden fence with the addition of a woven wire fence on top of it. Often used to increase the height of the wooden fence but yet allow for visibility, the wire is typically a simple mesh netting.

69. Cattle Ranch Dog Fences

Image Credit: Ryan McGuire / Pixabay


Cattle ranch dog fences are fences typically used for cattle, but what farm doesn’t have a few dogs running around with the livestock? Many ranch fences feature heavy duty wood poles with crisscross wire netting. Do not use barbed wire or electrified cattle ranch fences.

70. Wood-Framed Wire Netting Dog Fences

Image Credit: Brixiv / Pexels

Wood-framed wire netting dog fences feature heavy solid wood framing with wide wire netting. Sturdy, durable, and clean looking, wood-framed wire netting dog fences are suitable for all breeds.

71. Vinyl Privacy Panel Dog Fences

Image Credit: Brett Sayles / Pexels


Vinyl privacy panel dog fences are a common fencing solution to block distraction from busy streets, sidewalks, or nosy neighbors. Made to look like wood, vinyl privacy fences are tall, sturdy, and are suitable for dogs of all sizes.

72. Split-Rail Wood Dog Fences

Image Credit: minx267 / Pixabay

Split-rail wood dog fences add an extra layer of aesthetics and stability while effectively containing most animals. Similar to the rail fence, the split-rail fence features horizontal rails. In addition, wood rails cross the horizontal rails, splitting the space between the rails.

73. Welded Wire Dog Fences

Image Credit: Plato Terentev / Pexels

Welded wire dog fences are similar to wire mesh or netted fences, but the horizontal and vertical wires are welded together, rather than woven. This creates a strong and durable wire fence that isn’t as flexible as the chain link variety.

74. Steel Dog Fences

Image Credit: StruffelProductions / Pixabay

Steel dog fences have a similar look to wire dog fences except they’re crafted from steel and are heavier, stronger, sturdier, and more durable. This type of fencing does not typically roll, fold, or come in one long sheet – separate steel mesh panels are connected to each other to create a large, fenced area.

75. Wood Slat Dog Fences

Image Credit: aixklusiv / Pixabay

Wood slat dog fences are large privacy fences constructed with wood slats – typically a heavy wood like oak, cedar, or redwood – that are placed horizontally instead of vertically between posts. Wood slat dog fences feature either no spacing like privacy fences or small spacing like wood pallet dog fences.

76. Metal Slat Dog Fences

Image Credit: Max Vakhtbovych / Pexels

Metal slat dog fences are typically large fences containing multiple panels of horizontal metal slats, either flat or cylindrical, that are anchored with some type of mortar work, such as brick, concrete, or stone. This type of fencing is often made from lightweight aluminum, but it’s strong, sturdy, and adds a modern look to your property.

77. Stone Dog Fences

Image Credit: ajs1980518 / Pixabay


Low stone walls make great stone dog fences for small to medium dogs or larger dogs who won’t vault over the top. Stone dog fences can be any height, however, and decorated with flowers or plants across the top.

78. Concrete with Wire Top Dog Fences

Image Credit: Karolina Grabowska / Pexels

A popular combination dog fence is concrete with a wire top. Typically seen as a low concrete or stone wall topped with a chain link, this type of combination fence creates a solid barrier for most dogs, especially for those who climb, dig, or jump.

79. Brick Dog Fences

Image Credit: andrewkim / Pixabay


Brick dog fences are aesthetically pleasing, can be various heights, and will contain just about any dog (depending on the height of the fence or wall.) Additionally, brick dog fences can act as retaining walls for raised flower beds or vegetable gardens.

80. Brick and Iron Dog Fences

Image Credit: ArtisticOperations / Pixabay

Brick and iron dog fences are combination fences that feature a low brick wall with iron bar fencing. Typically, the iron bars are situated between brick pillars to anchor them in place, and the fence features a decorated iron gate.

Easy Dog Fence Ideas

81. Chain Link Dog Fences

Image Credit: pgbsimon / Pixabay

A very popular choice in fencing, a chain link dog fence features wire pieces that are woven, and sometimes welded, together for integrity. The weave, which varies in mesh shape and size, creates a more flexible fence. This type of fence comes in different heights, may be available as panels or rolled, and is usually anchored with metal poles.

82. GPS Dog Fences

Image Credit: SpotOne GPS Dog Fence

GPS, or global positioning system, dog fences are easy to set up. Similar to other invisible fences, GPS dog fences allow you to set a designated perimeter and determine your safe zone, so you’re alerted should your dog leave that area. Depending on the system you purchase, you can track your dog up to a certain distance.

83. Bamboo Dog Fences

Image Credit: Archie Binamira / Pexels

Bamboo dog fences are quick and easy to put up, create privacy, and blend well with nature. They’re flexible but sturdy, and can be anchored with metal, wood, or bamboo posts. Suitable for almost all dogs, a bamboo dog fence varies in height, but is durable and easy to maintain.

84. Connecting Wire Dog Fences

Image Credit: Yaheetech / Amazon

Connecting wire dog fences are available as panels of mesh wire that are designed to connect to one another via hooks or poles. This type of dog fence is sturdier than a wire exercise pen but not as strong as a steel dog fence.

85. Kennel Dog Fences

Kennel dog fences are enclosed areas that don’t border your yard and can be temporary or permanent. A kennel dog fence takes up a portion of your yard but gives your pooch a place to play, run, and lounge. They’re available in a wide range of sizes and fence heights and are typically made from a vinyl- or powder-coated wire. Some kennel dog fences can be covered with a tarp to add shade.

86. Wood Pallet Dog Fences

Image Credit: christina-chatzigeorgi / Pixabay

Wood pallet dog fences give you the option of refurnishing old wallet pallets you scored a deal on or purchasing new wood pallets. Traditionally used for stacking and transporting goods, wood pallets give your property a different look while containing your dog in the yard. Often made from heavy wood, this type of dog fence is suitable for most dogs.

87. Wood Lattice Dog Fences

Image Credit: DominikSchraudolf/ Pixabay

Wood lattice dog fences can range in size and height, making them an easy solution for fencing most breeds. Lattice work features thin wood slats or rods crossed over one another to create a grid. Often used in gardens, wood lattice dog fences add a country look to your yard.

88. Vinyl Lattice Dog Fences

Image Credi: Deedster / Pixabay

Vinyl lattice dog fences are an easy and inexpensive way to add a fence to your yard. Typically found in gardens, vinyl lattice fences are available in multiple sizes. Vinyl lattice dog fences are usually secured with metal or wood posts.

89. Electric Dog Fences

Electric dog fences are invisible dog fences that feature either underground wires or a wireless device that acts as the perimeter. Easy to use and set up – though training with your dog is a must, electric dog fences correct your dog if he gets too close to the designated perimeter with tones, vibration, or shock. Some electric dog fences also feature GPS and will track your dog for a certain distance if he gets out of the designated area.

90. Aluminum Dog Fences

Image Credit: neelam279 / Pixabay

Aluminum dog fences are lightweight, weather-resistant, and create a strong, durable fence for most dogs. Aluminum dog fences can mimic multiple styles of fencing, including picket, slat, mesh, bars, and more.

Frequently Asked Questions

How do I fence my dog in my yard?
If you’re not sure whether your dog is a climber, jumper, or escape artist, consider a strong, stable, privacy fence. Check out our list of large dog fence ideas above for the strongest dog fences.
What type of fence is cheapest for dogs?
There are a number of cheap options for dog fencing. Look at our list of cheap dog fence ideas above to help you out.
What is the best fence barrier for dogs?
The best fence barrier for dogs is the one that keeps them safe in their yard. It can depend on the dog and the yard as to which dog fence is the best option for you.
How do you build a dog proof fence?
There are a number of ways to build a dog proof fence. But before you do, understand your dog’s characteristics and traits so you know how to dog proof the yard especially for your pooch. Note whether she likes to jump, climb, or dig. Does she try to escape from any type of barrier? These dog traits will help determine how to build your own dog proof fence that’s right for you and your dog.
Can a dog climb a 6 foot fence?
Yes, some dogs can climb or jump a 6-foot fence. If your dog is a climber or jumper, consider the angled wood dog fence or backstop dog fence to deter your pooch from scaling the fence.
How do you keep a dog from jumping over the fence?
Consider an angled fence, such as a wood privacy fence with an angled wire or wood top or a backstop chain link fence that angles inward at the top.
How far apart should fence posts be for dogs?
How far apart the fence posts should be for dogs depends on the size of the dog fence and style you select. Typically, fence posts are spaced according to the width of the fence panel, which will vary by fence type.

Looking for more information about dog fences? We have a library of in-depth information about various aspects of dog fences. Including tips and ideas for keeping your dog from jumping and building your own dog fence:

As well as in-depth reviews of each category of dog fence (with recommendations generated by licensed veterinarians):

And in-depth product reviews of some of the leading dog fence brands:
