Determined Kitten Walks With Tiny Wheelchair In Place Of Missing Back Legs

British Columbia, Canada is where you’ll find the Tiny Kittens rescue group, headquartered in the home of Shelly Roche. According to Arin Greenwood of the Huffington Post, it’s also where you’ll find Cassidy—a kitten with no hind legs, brought to Tiny Kittens at the beginning of September. It was there Cassidy was able to take his first comfortable steps, thanks to a teeny-tiny wheelchair. The video below will melt your heart.
Bipawd #MiracleKitten Cassidy takes his first steps in his new wheelchair -- totally unassisted. Just amazing. <3This tiny feral kitten lost both back legs when he was born, and somehow managed to survive for nine weeks in the forest. It is a medical miracle that he survived even a day with such severe injuries, let alone nine weeks. His little body had just about given out from starvation and infection by the time we rescued him, but he never gave up! Thanks to the team at Mountain View Veterinary Hospital for giving Cassidy the chance he fought so hard for, and to Andrew at for making the tiniest wheelchair he's ever made just so Cassidy wouldn't have to wait to feel the wind in his glorious floof.And our heartfelt thanks to those who have donated for Cassidy's medical expenses, sent supplies, made stump covers, shared posts and offered encouragement.... each of you has played a role in this tiny miracle! Watch Cassidy on our livestream, 24/7 at http://tinykittens.comMore about what we do:
Posted by Tinykittens on Saturday, September 26, 2015
Video posted by Tiny Kittens.
Cassidy's beginnings
Greenwood reports, Shelly Roche, the founder of Tiny Kittens, believes Cassidy lost his back legs not too long after being born to a feral mother. Roche said, “This is somewhat grisly, but we suspect his mom may have accidentally chewed them off when she was trying to detach his umbilical cord at birth. It’s incredible that he survived.”
It really is incredible that he survived considering he was born in early July and wasn’t brought to Tiny Kittens until September. Spending nine long weeks outside with no hind legs must have been grueling for the kitten, but fortunately for Cassidy, he was eventually spotted. Here’s some great information if you ever spot a stray kitten >>
[Also see tips about how to help feral cats like this]
Cassidy's recovery
According to Greenwood, Cassidy arrived at Tiny Kittens with Topper, his surviving littermate. He only weighed a pound, was weak, unable to urinate and his life was in danger.. Since then, Roche says he’s “gone from a prognosis of certain euthanasia – according to the ER vets – to the thriving, happy, playful little guy you see in the videos. He has the heart of a dragon!”
Cassidy's itty-bitty wheelchair
Greenwood reports that Cassidy’s little wheelchair was donated by Andrew Philips, owner of Handicapped Pets Canada. Philips also designed and built the wheelchair himself and said it’s the smallest wheelchair he’s ever made, even smaller than a chair he once made for a bunny.
Read more heartwarming handicapped stories just like Cassidy’s:
If you have any questions or concerns, you should always visit or call your veterinarian -- they are your best resource to ensure the health and well-being of your pets.