Groom’d: Using The Power Of Patterns For Success In Neurodiverse Groomers

Editor’s note: PETS+ is the media partner for GROOM’D, the annual grooming-focused pet trade show presented by World Pet Association. The PETS+ team will be reporting live from Atlanta, GA, Friday through Sunday. To not miss any of the action, like our Facebook page and sign up for the daily GROOM’D ebulletin at
GROOM’D Seminar Snippets: Anjie Coates, owner of Pawsitive Educational Training, provided information to help neurodiverse groomers create a path to success in their careers. She is neurodiverse and has been following the same three patterns for 34 years. She also taught her groomers to follow the same patterns.
Coates explained the importance of developing patterns for groomers to follow during each and every step of a groom. Why create your own pattern? It helps keep you on track and ensures grooms are done efficiently without missing any steps. If you get interrupted, you can easily start where you left off by following your pattern.
Pets also appreciate routines, and these patterns help establish expectations so that pets know what is coming next. For anxious or senior dogs or dogs with medical issues or disabilities, patterns can help deescalate stress and make grooming less “scary.”
Anjie shared the exact three patterns she used for each step of her groom: bathing, drying and finishing patterns. She also reminded everybody that there’s no single “right” way to groom because no two groomers have the exact same pattern; the only right way is the one that works for you!
To set up your own patterns, she suggested creating them away from work. Start by visualizing your step-by-step process when you bath, dry, and finish a groom. Write them down in list format and place the lists in a spot on your table or work area that you can look at every time you need it. Once you’ve followed these patterns a handful of times, the lists will become something that you don’t have to refer to anymore. They’ll become working habits that work perfectly specifically for you.
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