Puppy Weight Calculator: Height And Weight Predictions For Every Breed (with Chart)

Our puppy weight calculator determines how big your puppy will be when it becomes an adult dog.
The calculator was built by a data scientist to ensure the results will be as accurate as possible, and approved by our team of veterinarians. All the calculations are based on The American Kennel Club’s database of adult dog weights and heights.
To use the calculator, fill in your puppy’s current age, weight and other details below.
Note: please don’t feed your dog more or less based on the results. For that advice, consult your veterinarian.
Vet’s Puppy Weight Calculator
Adult weight
Current ideal weight range
Your dog’s adult weight should fall into this range: – , typically reaching adulthood in months
Your pet’s going to be a dog.
This type of dog can measure up to in height from paw to shoulder.
If you like our puppy weight calculator and want to learn all you need to know about puppy weight and growth rates, such as the factors that influence them, weights for various breeds, and our custom puppy growth charts, then read on for more information about puppy weight.
How Big Will My Dog Get? 4 Key Factors that Influence a Puppy’s Weight
As you can imagine, as we built our puppy weight calculator we had to incorporate many factors which can influence both a dog’s current weight and a puppy’s adult weight and eventual adult size. Some are genetic and others are environmental.
1. Size of Puppy’s Parents
First, as we mentioned, whether you’re looking at a small dog or larger breeds, you can look at your puppy’s parents as a possible predictor. While it’s not a surefire method, if both parents are approximately the same size and weight, there’s a good chance that your pup will grow up to be about the same size.
Many times, of course, you won’t be able to see both parents (or even one parent), so this makes it more of a guessing game. Even if the puppy’s mother is, say, 30 lbs, that doesn’t mean that his father wasn’t 20 lbs or 50 lbs.
2. Puppy’s Gender
Sex can also make a difference when it comes to puppy weight. Male dogs of each breed tend to be larger and heavier than female dogs of the same breed. If you are getting a male puppy, then, it’s likely that if the father is the same breed, your pup will be a bit bigger than his mother. A female puppy might end up being the same size as her mother, assuming the father wasn’t much bigger.
3. When You Spay/Neuter
Spaying and neutering can make dogs more likely to end up overweight if you don’t modify their diet. The reduction in sex hormones makes your puppy’s energy needs go down, so it’s often necessary to feed him less. You should not change his diet drastically without speaking to your veterinarian, though; keep in mind that if you have him neutered before he’s a year old, he’s still growing and needs more calories than an adult dog of the same size.
4. Diet and Exercise
And on that note, diet and exercise will play a role in how much your puppy weighs once he’s an adult. Just like humans, dogs can become overweight or obese. And just like humans, there are serious health effects from obesity in dogs. So be sure to feed your dog a healthy diet and help him get the exercise he needs for good health.
How to Calculate Puppy Weight: Formula to Predict Puppy to Adult Dog Weight
There is no one-size-fits-all formula to predict a puppy’s adult weight (this is why we built our custom puppy weight calculator). There are various factors that can impact weight such as:
- Breed
- Genetics
- Nutrition
That being said, there are some general guidelines that can help you estimate your puppy’s weight ad a full-grown, adult dog.
One common method is to use the puppy’s current weight and age to project its adult weight. For example, for medium to large breed dogs, you can use the following formula:
Adult weight = current weight (in pounds) / (age in weeks) x 52 (weeks in a year)
So for example, let’s say your puppy is 8 weeks old and weighs 7 pounds. That calculation would look like this:
Adult weight = 7 (lbs) / 8 (weeks) x 52 = 45 lbs
Keep in mind that this formula provides only an estimate and is not a guarantee of your puppy’s adult weight. Additionally, besides, breed, other factors (such as the puppy’s diet and exercise routine) will also impact its growth and adult weight.
To get a much more accurate puppy weight estimate for you specific breed, use our Puppy Weight Calculator.
Puppy Weight By Breed: Factors that Impact Growth by Breed
If you know your puppy’s breed (or breeds, in the case of a mixed-breed dog), you might be able to guess what his adult weight will be. The puppy calculator takes breed into consideration, but here are a few examples of what you might expect depending on the breed of your pup. Remember that where there is a range, the females will generally be on the smaller end and the males on the larger end, but there is a lot of overlap between individual dogs.
Toy Breeds
- Chihuahuas will generally not exceed 6 lbs. 1 – For more, see our Chihuahua Growth Chart
- Maltese will usually be under 7 lbs. 2
- Toy Poodles will be between 4 and 6 lbs. 3
Small Breeds
- Standard Dachshunds will grow to be between 16 and 32 lbs. 4
- French Bulldogs will be under 28 lbs. 5
- Pugs will usually be between 14 and 18 lbs. 6
Medium Breeds
- Border Collies will often grow to be 30 to 55 lbs. 7
- Goldendoodle (medium) typically weighs 36 to 50 lbs. 8 – For more, see our Goldendoodle Growth Chart
- Siberian Huskies will usually be 35 to 60 lbs. 9
- Dalmatians will often be between 45 and 70 lbs. 10
Large Breeds
- Akitas are usually between 70 and 130 lbs. 11
- Belgian Malinois are between 40 and 80 lbs as adults. 12
- Doberman Pinschers are between 60 and 100 lbs. 13
Giant Breeds
- Great Danes will grow to 110 to 175 lbs. 14 – For more, see our Great Dane Growth Chart
- Saint Bernards will often reach between 120 and 180 lbs. 15
- Mastiffs will generally be between 120 and 230 lbs. 16
3 Puppy Weight Predictors: How Fast Will My Puppy Gain Weight?
1. Puppy Breed Size
The speed at which your puppy will reach his adult weight depends on his overall size.
In general, toy and small breeds will mature more quickly than large and giant breeds. Toy breeds might reach their adult size at as young as 8 months, while the largest of the giant breeds will continue growing until they are 2 years old. Small, medium, and large breeds will fall in line along that spectrum.
Using a puppy growth chart like these from the Waltham Petcare Science Institute can help you determine whether your pup is at the right weight for his breed and size. Keep in mind, however, that these weight charts are good as a rule of thumb but that there will be some individual variance.
Your vet can help you decide whether your puppy is underweight, overweight, or just right.
2. Check Their Ribcage
As he becomes an adult, you can use the method where you feel his ribs. For most dogs, you should be able to easily feel his ribs without pressing inward; you should not see his ribs.
Some breeds tend to be leaner or heavier, however, so again, this is something your veterinarian should help you determine.
3. Double Their Weight at 4 Months
If you want to guess at how much your puppy will weigh as an adult, you can double what he weighs or weighed at 4 months of age. This is a good estimate for medium and large dogs, but it doesn’t work well with very small or giant breeds, as they grow more quickly or slowly than average.
It also can’t take into consideration the possibility that your dog may become overweight or obese. Still, it will give you a good ballpark estimate if you are curious.
As with everything else pertaining to your puppy, keep in mind that he is an individual. Even littermates generally don’t end up weighing the same as adults, so keep an eye on how your pup is growing with the help of your veterinarian, who will see him several times over the course of his first year and then annually after that.
Your vet is your best source of information pertaining to your specific puppy and what he should weigh.
To get a vet-approved prediction of your puppy’s adult weight, use our Puppy Weight Calculator.
Puppy Growth Chart: Track Your Dog’s Adult Weight and Size
In addition to our puppy weight calculator, we’ve also created a puppy growth chart. This is so dog owners can see just how big their puppy will get (“age in months”) based on their dog breed’s size (toy, small, medium, large and giant dogs).
If you like our puppy growth chart and want to share it, just copy and paste the code below the chart.
Share This Puppy Weight Chart on Your Site
<a href="https://petnewsdaily.com/puppy-weight-calculator/" mce_href="https://petnewsdaily.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/06/puppy-growth-chart-sz.jpg"><img src="https://petnewsdaily.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/06/puppy-growth-chart-sz.jpg" mce_src="https://petnewsdaily.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/06/puppy-growth-chart-sz.jpg" alt="Puppy Growth Chart"/></a></p> <p>Chart by <a href="http://petnewsdaily.com/" mce_href="http://petnewsdaily.com/">Pet News Daily </a>Dog Growth By Breed
You can run the puppy weight calculator above against a variety of breeds, and we’ve also created some breed-specific growth charts for specific breeds. Want answers to questions like “how big do goldendoodles get” or “when do golden retrievers stop growing“? We also have a Great Dane Growth chart, chihuahua growth chart, and labrador growth chart.
One of the things we found interesting in building our puppy weight calculator was researching the breeds that people most frequently search for when it comes to puppy weight gain. Here are some of the breeds people most frequently look for according to Google’s own search suggestions:
- Bernese Mountain Dog
- Bullmastiff
- Golden Retriever
- Rottweiler
- Spaniel
- Yorkshire Terrier
- German Shepard
- Labrador Retriever
- Labradoodle
- Labrador
- Cavapoo
- Yorkie
- Shih Tzu
- Sheepadoodle
- American Bully
Puppy & Dog Weight FAQs
There are a number of questions we’ve been asked related to topics like puppy size, dog size, weight gain and growth. We’ll walk through some of the most frequently asked questions here:
We get a lot of questions along these lines (eg, how can you tell how big a puppy will get? How big will a 10 pound 8 week old puppy get, etc.). This is obviously the aim of the puppy calculator! It’ll answer these questions in detail, or you can see more granular estimates by age by looking at some of our growth charts or our post that answers the question “how heavy should my dog be?”.
This is a great question! Some of the same factors (puppy’s age, the size of the parents, environmental) will impact mixed breeds as well. Our calculator also has options for general categories such as large dogs, toy breeds, etc.
This is a big “it depends.” Again here growth charts can be helpful in answering this, but it’s also a good idea to consult with your vet.
How much your puppy should eat will vary based on a number of factors. First, choose a high quality dog food. Next, measure food amounts with a measuring cup and follow instructions by weight carefully. Finally, confirm with your vet that the amount recommended on the package will be right for your dog.
According to veterinarians for many breeds you can assume 4 months for this question, but again there’s a lot of variance across breeds and depending on a variety of genetic and environmental factors.
Adding in foods that are high protein or high fat, switching to wet or fresh foods, or changing your dog’s feeding schedule can help them gain weight – but don’t take any of these steps without consulting with your vet!
Typically this is due to either the wrong diet (insufficient or the wrong type) or a medical issue (such as parasites). If your dog is not putting on weight it’s an important time to check in with your vet.
If you’re concerned about your dog’s weight, it’s really best to take the dog to your vet.
Generally speaking, big paws are found on big dogs, but this isn’t necessarily a great predictor of how big a dog will or won’t get.
Going Beyond Puppy & Dog Body Weight: Dog Health Information & Advice
If you’ve used our puppy weight calculator but want to go beyond answering the question “how big will my puppy get?” we also have a ton of great content to help with keeping your dog healthy. We’ve created a dog collar size chart to help identify the best collar size for your dog as they grow and a dog crate size chart to make sure they have the right space in their crate. We also have a vet-verified list of the best automatic dog feeders if you’re portioning food for your pup that way. If your dog needs exercise indoors, our list of the best dog treadmills might be of interest, along with our guide on how to train your dog to use a treadmill. We also put together a list and reviews (complete with pros and cons) of the best dog food for Dobermans if you have that breed at home.
We’ve also gone deep on a number of other dog health topics. An important one (and one our staff has struggled with with their own dogs) is how to keep your dog out of the trash (and the best dog proof trash can if you’re still struggling there). We’ve also covered topics like how long it takes for a dog to digest food, remedies for your dog’s upset stomach, the best high fiber dog food, and a guide to adding fiber to a dog’s diet if digestion issues are your main concern. We’ve gone into how much exercise your dog needs daily, and of course we have a list of foods dogs can and cannot eat (as well as individual full-page breakdowns for over 30 categories of foods) if you’re not sure what foods are right for your dog, and reviewed the best no escape harnesses for dogs.