My Friend Was A Gay C Of E Minister – She Was Betrayed By The Church’s Hypocrisy | Helen Berry

At Katie’s funeral, I felt sadness but also anger. She devoted her life to the church, but her family was still, somehow, seen as unworthy
- Helen Berry is an author and former lay minister
What will it take to drag the Church of England into the 21st century? It has been a monumental year for the established church in this country, with the resignation of Justin Welby as archbishop of Canterbury and the interim arrangements for his succession in a state of flux and confusion.
As we begin the new year, it’s natural to stop and reflect on what has passed and where we’re going. Sadly, within the church, we seem incapable of learning from our mistakes. Those we look to for leadership repeatedly fail, leaving us to wonder where to go for ethical and moral guidance. In the midst of unprecedented uncertainty, far from offering stability and hope, trusted institutions seem to be collapsing around us.
Helen Berry is an author and former lay minister with the Northern Lights Metropolitan Community Church, Newcastle upon Tyne
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