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55 Brilliant And Hilarious Ways Employees Have Said “sayonara!” To Their Former Workplaces (new Pics)

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Entering the job market can be daunting. And you probably don’t want to give up your current employment unless you’re absolutely sure that you can’t take it anymore. But if you’ve been suffering for years, feeling overworked and undervalued, there’s nothing wrong with burning some bridges on your way out…

Bored Panda has searched far and wide and found some of the most brilliant and petty ways employees have decided to say “sayonara” to their former workplaces. From leaving passive aggressive notes to sharing sweet cakes with bitter messages, there’s no doubt that these employees were creative! Enjoy scrolling through these pics that might inspire you to quit soon, and keep reading to find conversations with Claire Wasserman, Founder and Author of Ladies Get Paid, and Danny Nelms, CEO of Work Institute.

#1 My “Going Away” Cake From My Last Day At Work At An It Company

Image credits: ultramagnes23

To learn more about why so many employees are quitting nowadays, we reached out to a couple of experts on the topic: Claire Wasserman, Founder and Author of Ladies Get Paid, and Danny Nelms, CEO of Work Institute.

"Working with 50,000 women over the past decade, and coaching more than 6,000 job seekers, the trend I'm seeing for why people quit their jobs these days is mainly around underearning and underlearning," Claire shared with Bored Panda.

"There is a lack of growth, whether it's in their role or their paycheck (or both) and they believe they can find something better - or create it themselves! The other big reason is a lack of work-life balance, both in terms of hours and emotional toll, and they're simply not willing to sacrifice themselves in service of a job," she explained.

#2 I Put In My Two Weeks Today


Image credits: esquared90

#3 I Left My Job Of 2 Years To Go Do My Masters And Wanted To Bake Them A Cake To Say Thank You


Image credits: thenationaltreasure

"The main reasons people quit jobs today often center around unmet preferences or expectations by the company," Danny added. Based on Work Institute research and trends, these include: Career Development (18%), Work-Life Balance (12%), Health & Family Concerns (13%) and Management Behavior (10%).

"Employees frequently cite limited growth opportunities and unclear career pathways as key drivers of dissatisfaction," the CEO explained. "The demand for flexibility and wellness support has risen, with employees leaving roles that fail to accommodate personal and professional balance."

#4 A Co-Worker Posted Pictures Of Himself In Random Places When He Quit. This Is The Back Of A Clock, And He Quit 2 Years Ago


Image credits: CaptainCatchem

Caregiving responsibilities, mental health challenges, and a growing focus on well-being are also significant factors prompting turnover, Danny continued. "[And] ineffective leadership and lack of managerial support directly contribute to employee dissatisfaction."

The expert pointed out that it might surprise many readers to not see pay listed as a top reason. "But our research shows less than 10% of employees cite pay as the root cause," he noted. "Instead, pay concerns often signal deeper, unresolved issues within an organization’s culture, management practices, or opportunities for growth."

#5 My Buddy Quit His Job At The Gas Station


Image credits: peaceman582

#6 I Hate Two Week Goodbyes


Image credits: burningisntfun

So what is the best way to go about quitting a job? "Relationships are everything," Claire shared. "So even if your job might not give you the consideration of a two-week grace period, you should extend the courtesy to them (or if you’ve been there a long time, give them more time. Though, be prepared that if you give too much notice, they may have you leave sooner than you were ready)."

"Document your work and create transition plans for ongoing projects, express gratitude for the opportunities and learning experiences so you can keep the door open for future professional connections," the expert says. "The only time maybe it’s okay to quit abruptly is if you’re in an unsafe situation."

#7 Throwback 2018- When I Quit My Job Of 8 Years By Leaving This On My Boss's Desk


Image credits: melopoly

#8 Finished Working My Last Shift Today


Image credits: Dill_Doe_69

Danny also says that the best way to quit a job is thoughtfully and professionally, because how you leave can shape your future opportunities. He first recommends making sure that you give proper notice. "Two weeks is standard, but more notice may be appreciated for high-level or critical roles," the CEO explained. "Always review your employment contract for specific requirements."

Make sure that you also explain thoughtfully why you're leaving. "While you're not obligated to provide detailed reasons, a respectful and constructive explanation can leave a positive impression," Danny continued. And avoid burning bridges. "Express gratitude for the opportunities you had even if the experience wasn’t perfect. You never know when paths may cross again."

#9 My Boss's Secretary Quit This Morning After Delivering Breakfast


Image credits:

Finally, participate in your company's exit interview. "It is important for companies to better understand why employees quit and this information helps employers improve employee experience," Danny shared. "Quitting abruptly should be a last resort and reserved for situations where remaining in the role poses immediate harm to your health, safety, or well-being."

#10 Sign Posted At A Local Dollar General. Good For Them


Image credits: exoenigma

#11 I Put My Two Week Notice In At Work. This Is My Active Goodbye Message I Leave On My Desk


Image credits: missybeputtinitdown

Next, we asked the experts what the most important things to consider before quitting a job are. "It takes on average six months to find a new job, so unless you have another one lined up, make sure you have all your safety nets in order: finances, relationships, and a roadmap for the job search, including your materials like resume and LinkedIn profile," Claire told Bored Panda.

#12 My Boss Volunteered Me For A Golf Event That I Hated Every Second Of, So I Gave Her A Golf Themed Resignation Letter


Image credits: HeWritesALine

Claire also says it's crucial to at least have identified a direction based on your goals with an outline for how you will get there before saying goodbye to your job. "Make sure to break everything down into small steps though, otherwise it'll be a lot harder to follow through," she warns. "Looking for a job can become a full-time job, and if you're doing it while unemployed, you may start to feel the financial squeeze and get stressed. It's better to chip at it a little bit every day while you still have a job, for as long as you can."

#13 I Think Lena Quit Her Job Today


Image credits: iAmWillyAmm

#14 One Of My Co-Workers Quit Today. We Found This On His Desktop


Image credits: assumetehposition

Danny also says it's best to reflect on these key factors before making any decisions: your reason for leaving, opportunities for resolution, your financial readiness, your future goals and your workplace relationships.

"Are you leaving to escape a problem or pursue a better opportunity? The latter tends to lead to more satisfaction long-term," he noted. "Have you tried addressing your concerns with your manager or HR? Sometimes, changes can be made to improve your situation."

#15 Way To Go Out In Style. That's Fantastic


Image credits: SonofJackX

"Ensure you have a safety net or a solid plan in place, especially if you don’t have another job lined up," Danny continued. And when it comes to your future goals, will leaving this job bring you closer to your career aspirations? "Be intentional about your next steps," the expert says. "[Finally], consider the professional relationships you’ve built and how they might support or influence your next chapter."

#16 Quit My Night Shift Job Last Night


Image credits: ThatNigerian

#17 Some People Said Goodbye To The Factory Tonight. Found In Denver, Co In Caphill


Image credits: jbran52

When it comes to finding a new position, Claire shared three areas that she believes are critical to consider when job searching. "Know yourself: what lights you up, the problems you like to solve, the strengths you use when solving them, and the environments in which you thrive," the expert says.

"Create a filter: so you know what opportunities to look for and which ones to pass on, identify your values, your goals for the next 3-5 years, and any dealbreakers," Claire continued. "[And] understand the market: What companies and roles are out there that are a good fit, are they in a growing industry? What kind of compensation can you expect?"

#18 My Partner Got To Hand Their Notice In The Other Day. (Leaving Hospitality And Going To Work For An Ngo)


Image credits: Lockdown_DM

#19 Never Told A Boss Off Like This. And It Felt Amazing


Image credits: frenzzzykid

Danny also says it's important to consider company culture, opportunities for growth, work-life balance, management quality and mission and vision alignment before taking a new job. "Look for a workplace where employees feel respected, valued, and supported," he shared. "Employee reviews and asking questions during interviews can give insight."

#20 Today Is My Last Day Of Work. Gonna Leave This Background On For The Next Guy


Image credits: Gurrb17

"Seek employers who invest in professional development and career progression," he continued. "Explore policies on flexibility, remote work, or wellness initiatives to ensure alignment with your priorities."

"A great manager can make or break your experience. Try to gauge the leadership style of your potential boss during the interview process," Danny added. "Choose a company whose values resonate with your own for a more fulfilling experience."

#21 Saw This. Made Me Laugh


Image credits: krazykid1

#22 “Thank You For Your Time”


Image credits:

Finally, Claire says, "There's always a sacrifice to every choice we make. What's critical is to get clear on your goals and values for this season of your life (which I define in 3-5 year chunks), and find an opportunity that is aligned."

"Look at this like building a house, brick by brick - we may not know what the house will end up looking like, but for every step you take, you're growing in some way," she explained. "Experience, expertise; more money, more autonomy; less stress."

#23 Quit My Job Last Night, It Was Nice To Be Home To Make The Kids Breakfast And Take Them To School Today! Off To Hunt For A New Opportunity, Wish Me Luck


Image credits: hestolemysmile

"Try to look at your career holistically," Claire continued. "What's the life you want and how does your job fit into that? It's also okay for a job to just be a job. Sometimes we just need a paycheck and there's no shame in that! Nor is there any shame in asking for help; in fact, seeking outside perspective is critical to finding new ways to see the world and ourselves."

If you'd like to learn more about Ladies Get Paid, be sure to visit their website or check out Claire's free webinar on career clarity!

#24 Gen Z Resignation Letter


Image credits: Android

#25 I Quit My Corporate Job To Open My Own Bakery! I Brought These Cookies In On My Last Day


Image credits: animallover2472004

"One important takeaway is that quitting a job is a natural part of career progression, but how and why you leave matters," Danny shared with Bored Panda. "Employers also have a responsibility in this equation. Organizations that hold themselves accountable for being great places to work retain their best talent and reduce the need for employees to consider leaving in the first place."

"Job seekers should remember that you’re interviewing the company as much as they’re interviewing you," he added. "Aim for a role where you feel empowered to grow, contribute, and thrive."

And if you'd like to find out more about why employees are quitting, be sure to visit Work Institute!

#26 I Return My Walgreens Key In Jello

Image credits: GetRicedd

#27 All Burger King Workers Quit This Location Because Of Low Wages. Good For Them! Bk In Alabama

This was from a friend who lived in Alabama. I blurred out the city name for what I thought may be safety reasons. The staff all quit this locations because of sh*t working conditions and bad pay.


Image credits: FullTimeOx

We hope you’re enjoying your scroll through these silly ways of quitting, pandas! Keep upvoting the photos that you find particularly clever, and let us know in the comments if you’ve ever left a job in a hilarious way. Then, if you’re looking for even more signs that it might be time to quit your job, you can find another Bored Panda article on the same topic right here

#28 I Like Making My Two Weeks Notices Original


Image credits:

#29 320 Clocking Out. Adios

my boss pissed me off just the right amount and I decided that was my last straw and I wasn’t going to continue to be treated badly by my SM and the company as a whole. Called out of my next two shifts and then this morning before I left for a week vacation, I dropped off this cutesy resignation letter aka my “F you” to my boss.


Image credits: Interesting-Mess-768

#30 Put In My 2 Week Notice Today


Image credits: haydenmutt

#31 Sorry Not Sorry


Image credits: heyjacqui_

#32 Quit My Job After 6 Years

Left my keys on the chair in the office after everyone left. 6 years of being mistreated and giving my all to the store, working 6 days a week for the store. 


Image credits: Distinct_Future5902

#33 I Encouraged My Cousin To Quit Her Job And She Finally Stood Up For Herself


Image credits: 1in7billion_

#34 I Wonder Did He Drive Slowly Out Of The City


Image credits: travelista_uk

#35 And I Oop


Image credits: hopechyann

#36 Simple, I Like It


Image credits: LandscapeIcy7375

#37 I Quit My Life-Sucking Job Today


Image credits:

#38 How I'm Turning In My Two Weeks Notice Tomorrow Morning


Image credits: Dr_Duty_Howser

#39 My Friend Quit Their Job


Image credits: banterbandit

#40 My Resignation Letter


Image credits: IceChamps

#41 Finally Did It


Image credits: littlemac4305

#42 Considering Sending This Response

It's currently past 11 here. I've been so sick I've only gotten out of bed twice, not even well enough to go to the Walgreens across from my apartment to buy a COVID test. Since sending this, my manager has sent me the contact numbers of 3 staff who I know are as worn out of our manager as I am. I make minimum wage as a Senior Rep at GameStop.


Image credits: CedartheTree

#43 I Just Thought You Guys Would Like My Letter Of Resignation

Some background - I work an entry level minimum wage position at the vans store. I keep telling them I'm going to quit and my sales lead said “will you can’t leave we’re going to miss your drawings” so I thought id leave one for old times sake.


Image credits: asapwilliam

#44 My Boss Accused Me Of Lying About An Accident That Caused Me To Be Late, So I Quit. I Won’t Be Spoken To In Such A Disrespectful, Unprofessional Manner


Image credits: FaxyMaxy

#45 Had A Bit Of Fun Making This One (Aus)


Image credits: flyingcow08

#46 Had To Wait 14 Years For A Chance To Use It


Image credits: JohnDonoghue64

#47 My Last Paycheck Didn’t Deposit

My last paycheck didn’t deposit this morning! I texted my coworkers and I know at least one of them got paid. But this is a common occurrence.


Image credits: viviana1994

#48 I Got The Motivation To Finally Quit My Job. I May Not Have Health Insurance, But I Feel So Free


Image credits: bluepiehax

#49 Handing In My Notice Today


Image credits: chevronamethyst

#50 Today I’m Quitting My College Restaurant Job And This Is How I’m Doing It


Image credits: RoscoMan1

#51 Loud Quitting

Got a new job but want to use my 2 weeks to relax/vacation before the next job starts. How does this email sound? Mind you this job doesn’t deserve a 2 week notice because they treat everyone so badly, I’ve been there for years and no mention of a raise at all, and I only get 5 days of PTO a year and only a few holidays.


Image credits: faded-than-a-hoe

#52 My Final Goodbye To My Coworkers On My Last Day At This Stupid Place


Image credits: msnatter17

#53 I Handed In My Resignation This Morning. Their Response Says It All

Image credits: Uptown_Rocker

#54 Don't Get Too Sentimental On Me (My Dm)


Image credits: RustInDirt

#55 My Last Job Threatened To Fire Me When I Only Had 4 Shifts Left, So I Saved Them The Trouble

We were down to 4 employees at a company where a full staff would have been 9-12, I was the most senior employee and I had only been there 6 months. The manager and regional manager continued to push for shorter service times per customer while also increasing the number of tasks that had to be completed per customer and expecting a literal 100% accuracy rate. After I was written up and reminded I could still be fired even though I had given my 2 weeks I decided me finishing those days was a waste od everyone's time.

Image credits: GraceJam37
