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Essential Amino Acids For Muscle Gain, Fat Loss, Improved Metabolism And Mood With Angelo Keely

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Episode Highlights With Angelo

  • What essential amino acids are and important things to know about them
  • Why protein is fundamentally different than the other two macronutrients 
  • What happens when we don't have the right building blocks when raw materials in the body need to be replaced
  • We are made up of proteins — the half that isn’t water is made up of proteins
  • Essential amino acids are the amino acids that it can’t synthesize
  • The body can convert essential amino acids into non-essential if needed but not vice versa 
  • What a meta-analysis showed last year on how much more beneficial EAA are than either dietary protein or even protein powder
  • The results of EAA in aging women and being able to add muscle in a few months just by taking essential amino acids
  • Why EAA can still be beneficial even if you are eating a high-protein diet 
  • How to overcome the anabolic muscle loss from aging 
  • The way to lose more weight from fat and maintain as much muscle as possible 
  • How this relates to aging and how EAA can slow aging 
  • We don't digest protein as well as we age, and as we age, we aren't as sensitive to new protein synthesis 
  • For someone who is 60, 3g of EAA will have 6x the impact of 20 grams of whey protein
  • Surprisingly, there are a lot of women-specific studies on essential amino acids and what they say
  • Why these amino acids might be especially impactful during perimenopause and menopause in women
  • Stress has a very negative impact on protein synthesis and so does sleep! 
  • What diet-induced thermogenesis is and how this is positive 
  • The more muscle you have, the better metabolic health you will have
  • Muscle absorbs glucose when we consume it, so the more muscle, the more carbohydrates we can use in a healthy way
  • Neurotransmitters are amino acids or metabolites of amino acids, so essential amino acids can have a beneficial effect on mood and mental health
  • The particular benefit of leucine and how it can help recovery and fatigue 
  • The upper limits for essential amino acids (it’s really high) 
  • Adhering to a health regimen is more important than trying to perfect one
  • Tips for improving lean muscle with age
  • How to use EAA in a short-term weight loss phase or for recovery 
  • The ideal way to use EAA related to exercise for the most effect 
  • A formula for figuring out the right ratio of the essential amino acids

Resources We Mention
