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Natural Living Tips For Avoiding Heart Attack & Stroke By Reducing Inflammation With Dr. Z

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Episode Highlights With Dr. Zielinski

  • His ten year journey creating Natural Living Family to help other families
  • Why heart attack and stroke are such big killers and tied to chronic inflammation
  • The easiest and most impactful factors we can all do to reduce chronic inflammation
  • Infammation isn’t the root cause, it's the mechanism or vehicle that's damaging the body
  • We have to look at the root cause to find out what the match is that's lighting the fire
  • Inflammation is good for us and designed to help us heal, it just becomes problematic when it's chronic 
  • The body is always on our side and even inflammation is technically a healing response
  • One big thing we can do is reduce fragrance exposure to reduce chronic inflammation

Resources We Mention
